Xbox Acquisition |OT4| It's Acquisition Season for Xbox with $69 Billion deal, NICE!

I think it’s clear now that their japanese strategy is owning a so significant part of western gaming that japanese publishers will be forced (willing or not) to publish on Xbox, much like in 360 era. At this point I just want more ports and 2nd party exclusives, there is no real reason why D4 is the last one, from almost a decade ago.


You guys need to relax, MS will not even consider another publisher until this is closed. They simply won’t want to risk approval of this deal.


most analyst know this will get through because Microsoft has escaped the scrutiny unlike its peers who were caught up in the big tech talk since majority of Microsoft stuff is enterprise management and other business-related stuff while their gaming division with ABK will take them to third in revenue and who is going wants to go after the third place winner and MS announcing this deal means they are confident in its approval.


It’ll be completed by June 2023… that’s the end of Microsofts financial year.

Assuming COD stays relevant, is an Xbox exclusive, and MS continues to acquire, it’s likely they are the market leader in 5 or so years time. It’s hard to ignore the market leader.

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Oh I don’t expect them to. I’m saying Capcom is the last piece. Probably a 2025+ acquisition. I intend to keep this thread going :grin:

I reckon it will be very relevant, it became big well before PS was associated with it. XD

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What I had been suggesting , double down where you know you can succeed and the rest happens organically.

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After yesterday I would be fine if they wrapped up with:

  • Crystal Dynamics
  • IOI
  • Netherrealm

Could we see a Hello Games acquisition :eyes:


Wouldn’t surprise me if they decide to go to two or three year, because Microsoft rather focus on long term content, I think Forza Motorsport will be the only game of the simcade part that we are going to have this generation, Forza Horizon likely another one on the new engine, but that’s it. The Coalition is even making a new IP.

They could aim for a highly received Cod that will sell the equivalent of three games into one at long legs.

Yeah these are 3 very solid picks

After this I really can see Sony buying something in desperation, Square being the obvious choice, so I hope MS have some sort of clause in place with CD that if Square do get bought, they can get CD, would suck for them to work on PD, have it be awesome and then lose them straight after

IOI are a very good dev and if Dragon is gonna be a game they are working on for the next decade an acquisition makes sense

As for NRS, MS definitely are lacking in the fighter department and they should just give that up to Sony so having them as well as a KI2 would make xbox unmissable for fighting game fans


Two or even one of those three, with IOI the most likely, would be more than enough for me.

Though I do feel they should be looking at a Japanese acquisition next, if such a thing is possible


Would a very good CoD really sell 3x what a yearly one does though? I doubt it when you consider what % of Playstation users are buying their big AAA games.

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Because it seems as though even the MS CEO is thinking about having IP for the metaverse I can’t help but imagine Sega and/or Capcom as prime targets. They each come with a treasure vault of IP.

Sega continues to get super cozy with Xbox and MS. I think Xbox acquires Sega before the gen is over.

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I literally just stopped and thought of how immaterial a $70b acquisition is to Microsoft.

It’s half of their yearly revenue or 18 months net profit.

Mind boggling… but hey they need to put COD on Playstation :roll_eyes:


if any company Phil won’t let it slide then it’s Bungie.

Bungie could be a target for Sony but i don’t think MS would let them near Bungie


I don’t see Bungie as a realistic target for Sony. It is an expensive purchase, allegedly around 2 billion, for a single studio. If they are looking to make a competitive splash, that isn’t really it.

I think they would be better served to staff up existing studios and bring back Resistance or Killzone.

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