Xbox Acquisition |OT3| 100% Organic Growth

Historically Xbox has been an after-school activity on the second floor in a small room. Sometimes the headmaster did some cash injections if there was an explosion in the room, but in general it was after-school club at Microsoft. Now we are in the uncharted waters where MS will be willing to spend the same money as they did for other divisions. And there they went after public companies, 30 bn purchases and tons of smaller purchases.

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*sips and burps

Microsoft is going to buy Sandlot from EDF 2017 because it’s quirky as they did with most of their aquisitions before Zenimax.

Microsoft Acquires Peer5 to Improve Teams Video Functionality | Petri

Microsoft has been on a tear of acquisitions lately. They did the security firms last month and now peer5 in august. I figure one of these days it will be the Xbox division’s turn to do an acquisition pr press release.


Actually if look at their list of acquisitions they have been pretty aggressive since Satya took over. A lot of companies have been bought since 2014

I hope they acquire somebody who will finally add multi-account support for Teams


Fabs are extremely hot right now, but that hasn’t always been true, and the scale of investment it takes to get started is very high and requires the best talent in the world to be even vaguely competitive. Building one new modern fab plant is like 10-15 billion dollars. Buying one of the existing ones is not feasible, TSMC is too large, Samsung is not a pure-play company and obviously is too large, Intel is not a pure play company and is obviously too large. Intel is the smallest of those three at “only” 220 billion dollar market cap. Global Foundries is the only meaningful scale company outside of those, and Intel is rumored to be buying it soon. GloFo abandoned cutting edge nodes, though.


Additional context here is that Intel has already started volume shipping their 10nm process last year and ramping up this year to basically all product stacks (laptop in late 2019, server and desktop this year), but also that TSMC and Samsung naming schemes have been deceptive for a long time. TSMC 10nm was worse than Intel 14nm was in density and performance. Intel 10nm is about as good as TSMC 7nm - and yes, TSMC got there first, but the numbers alone make it seem dramatically larger than the difference actually is. Going by the numbers it sounds like TSMC is 3-4 nodes ahead, but actually it’s only 1 node ahead.

As of this year, Intel is changing their naming scheme to more closely match their competitors. Intel 10nm ESF is being renamed “Intel 7” to represent that it’s approximately the same density and perf as TSMC 7nm.


Yup, I didn’t want to get into the nitty gritty on how process names and gate measurements are done which is why I left it at they’re having issues. The main focus was to present how even the almighty Intel has struggled for years on end with Fabrication issues when they used to lead the market. It’s not a market where you can sit by on past accomplishments, you always have to be innovating and burning through money. It’s not a market to enter into lightly.


Acquisition season right guys… guys.



I’m sorry this repetitive but after playing and completing plague tale innocence Microsoft should just kick down the doors and aquire Asobo studios.


Looking at the rumour of another From Software exclusive for Sony, MS should really do something regarding Japan. Hope some acquisition news.


You think that’s repetitive…



Tencent funding their first game.

I feel like an odd man out on this, but I really dont like From Software games. Ive played just about all of them thinking eventually one of them would click for me. Bloodborne was super cool, but the actual act of playing it isn’t fun.


That’s why they don’t sell. It’s just marketing stunt.

It is less about liking or not, but more about the hype it generates. It is just like with Kojima.

yeah. When the game gets announced get ready for sony fanboys to brag about a game they won’t even touch.


ya it sucks for me. The soulsbourne gamesis my favorite for sure.

I mean even now we know that Kojima is doing something for MS, yet not only a lot of community and media believes that, they would rather think that Abandoned is Kojima’s game so…MS should be very aggressive with the things traditionally associated with Playstation.

We know that Persona is coming for Xbox, hope it will be announced in September.