Xbox Acquisition |OT2| Something, Something, Snowball Effect

Jez knew about it

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So did Nick… :wink:


It’s like saying if a couple gets married they will automatically start to look around for an affair because the relationship feels too safe.

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He only became aware it was happening the night before the acquisition… lol.


He didn’t say anything if he did

He said afterwards that he found out the day before

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Yeah but that’s definitely not like all the insiders buzzing and knowing about something

How many games did Valve’s Steam platform sell? That’s the question that matters.


It’s always the issue. People coming out after the fact and saying they knew to me seems dubious.

After the events of pre E3, I dont believe anyone knows anything right now as to who MS get next. I believe it’s all speculation


Reddit r/gamingleakdandrumourd mentioned us.

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Some others at least knew something big was going to happen but none of the details, just something might be newsworthy. That’s one of those “heads up/somethings happening” situation I mentioned before.

In Jez’s case, he did know… as he already had a entire article wrote up just as the news broke.

His view on exclusivity has aged very well.


Yeah and they fuckin’ hate us.


Now, more than ever, I really want to see that upwards of 20 actually happen just to see the reactions. I’ll be there with my marshmallows to roast over a burning down internet. :sunglasses:


Well Grubb was the first one with half of the information that Microsoft was spending billions on something that was not an acquisition, weeks later they bought Zenimax and he confirmed that it was indeed that.

But I think spending 20 billions is nuts, at this stage is complete overkill, it would render the PS2 era that the fella on 4chan said once he leaked the games of the State of Play where they revealed the console . He was talking about sony moneyhatting left and right, I think he was the earliest person to confirm FFXVI being exclusive.

XGS doubled overnight, they already had a SIE size with the E3 2018 and Double Fine acquisitions and buying Zenimax just put them in a much higher ground than Sony when it comes to pump out games, at this point they could just spend less than 7.5 billion and have a significant share on the major releases every year.

Just curious, was in a tweet or podcast?


Valve and maybe Roblox are the only studios I believe theyd consider spending 20bn on. With Roblox they are public as well.

Welcome to the community friendo!:grin:


Rand corroborated it. He messaged Rand the day before.

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Honestly I think Valve is wishful thinking, they have remained private (non traded) and likely its the largest one in the industry in that category. I can see partnerships (something that Epic documents can indicate), but not an acquisition, they wouldn’t have even changed the store fees unless they had it as a backup plan in case the negotations fail.

And for some of the companies who people wonder: Ubisoft likely not because EU-France wouldn’t allow it as it’s the largest gaming company there, ironically most of their profit output comes from Canada. EA VERY doubtful. Acitivison not by a long f** shot. CDPR EU-Poland wouldn’t allow it because its the second largest and represents likely 70%+ of the money in the industry there. The more plausible takes are buying a significant portion of the shares where they earn the right to vote and/or have deals.

Thanks man.

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