Xbox Acquisition |OT2| Something, Something, Snowball Effect

Ok I’m gonna change my “buy SEGA” request to “buy SEGA and Nintendo”. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Nuance only has 7k twitter followers and had 7 million in profits :sweat_smile:. They better spend big bucks in gaming acquisitions.

with the amount of cash they’re throwing around now I’m starting to think that a Ubisoft or Take Two acquisition are not out of the question…

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wwe raw GIF

Microsoft doing their Shane McMahon impression. All cash 20 billion. Here come the money.

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To put this in perspective Wall Street expects over 155 billion $ in revenue for Microsofts fiscal year 2021 ending on 30. June. Profits should be around 50 billion $.


Just remember, Microsoft needs PlayStation to make back their money on the Bethesda purchase.


Not just that, can help with security of our payment info and data too.

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This is probably far out in the left field, but I haven’t seen this mentioned in any acquisition threads or any what if scenarios. Does anyone remember Fracture on 360 and PS3? I remember playing the demo over and over again, but being younger I couldn’t afford the game and never got it. Anyway I got curious about that game this past weekend and started looking up the studio.

Back then they were Day 1 studios and created 2 F.E.A.R. games with Monolith and also created the Mechassault games. They were bought out by Wargaming in 2013. I was thinking how that would have been a good studio to go after until I learned they were owned already and now I started looking into Wargaming as a whole and was thinking strategically they may not be a bad get. They are probably the most famous for World of Tanks, but they also have plenty of games in the Real-time-strategy and Turn-based-strategy genres. Also plenty of multiplayer games that could all be added to Gamepass and add value. Wargaming has roughly 11 studios in Chicago-Baltimore, Ukraine, Russia, Paris, Australia, England, Denmakr, Belarus, and Germany. Given Day 1’s history they could work on Mechassault again and have experience with 3rd person genres as well. The other studios could help microsoft fill it’s RTS gap give them the chance to work on a new Halo wars game or support another Gears tactics. They could also be giving the chance to work on new IP and keep World of Tanks growing for the future.

They are privately owned with about 1,750 employees according to Wiki. I thought Fracture was pretty interesting and if I can find a disk around at some point and play the full game. Just thought that would be an interesting direction. increasing their studios to 33.

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In 2-3 years the Sega acquisition will finally be real. /S



Sad Robot GIF

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What? Something I just miss or something?

Or just a funny gif?

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Just a riff on yours.:slight_smile:

Avoid The Office GIF

I feel the ripples, something big is coming :eyes:


I think it is a big stretch. Lots of companies sell their divisions aka lose some fat.

Personally if MS woke up earlier Xbox would not have lost Bioware, Bungie (probably) and Double Helix. KI2 will probably come with Iron Galaxy’s help though.

i think MS needs efficient studios, it doesn’t matter if they aren’t AAA studios

Bluepoint seems to be relatively efficient. Others?

Hazelight Studios , Neon giant the ascent devs( founded in 2018, release date in 2021 so 3 years that pretty good)

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