Xbox Acquisition |OT| - So We’re Back to Making Lists, Huh?


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He is speculating with his use of the word think. No one in the industry can say due to NDAs and legal reasons

Konami market cap increased 23% this week.

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Asobo and Techland would also be on my list. Would also go after The Astronauts who are currently working on Witchfire. IO Interactive would be good too because Hitman is one of the few if not only games that makes perfect sense in regards to being “episodic” but at the same time, im pretty sure they said that Hitman III is the end of the current trilogy. I wouldn’t complain or be disappointed. They just wouldn’t be at or near the top of my list.

What’s the real cause?

A Konami acquisition would be more because of the IPs than the studio itself, since they haven’t been on the games spotlight for a long time. Konami owns Castlevania, Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Pro Evolution Soccer, Bomberman and Yu-Gi-Oh.

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No idea, I was just rooting around because I’ve woken up too early. Back in May/June there were many rumours that MS had agreed a deal for the IPs (some loosely based around a football game being in the Series X reveal).

Although this week they did announce an interim dividend, which is unusual (YE is March), not sure why they’d treat the end of October as a cut-off as it is end of period 7, not half year.

Edit: Konami have history of interim dividends. Probably nothing.

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He also said he doesn’t really think gamepass is the future so no way this is happening

One more thing I wanted to add as to why SEGA would be a nice acquisition for Xbox, even if I don’t think it will happen. Creative Assembly (owned by SEGA) currently has two teams, their Total War team and their console team (which made the great horror game Alien: Isolation). Their console team is currently working on a new next-gen tactical shooter. It’s described to be their biggest project yet and seems promising. Just something to think about.


Creative Assembly and Relic are close to the only things Sega offers.


Hard disagree there. Do you want Xbox to succeed? In order to do that we need growth, and you do that by bringing in new content and by reaching new audiences; Sega heavily accomplishes both with all the IP and studies that Sega and Atlus have. YOU may not like what they have to offer but they’re objectively one of the smartest investments if you want to guarantee an audience in Japan and Korea.


Nope, heavily disagree with that. RGG Studio consistently put out Yakuza games, which are consistently great. In addition, SEGA owns Atlus, which produces JRPGs such as Persona and Shin Megami Tensei, a genre Xbox is severely lacking in. They also own Sports Interactive which make the Football Manager games, which are quite popular (and Football Manager 2021 is coming to Xbox as well). So they have a lot more than just that.

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Bloober and Crytek definitely aren’t crap devs. Bloober has somewhat of a budget problem, if Xbox buys them, they’ll have the budget to make higher quality games. And while Crytek is somewhat mixed in terms of their games, they have a great engine.


Spiders has already been bought and has made one of the best A-RPG of the generation with Greedfall. Bloober has fantastic talent in term of writing atmosphere and overall art direction. Crytek is top tech maker and hell of a good FPS developer.

Farm 51 is the only one I would understand you call them “dogshit”… But developing video games is not easy and some “dogshit” dev like Compulsion Games can make the jump in quality, like with seen with they’re DLC for We Happy Few (the base game was full of jank but very interresting in many aspect, but DLC are really good, the last one is fantastic I have to say).

Don’t judge too quickly devs. For a long time, From Software was one of the “dogshit” devs you talk about.


And PSO 2. Plus Sonic, which like it or not, is extremely popular still.

I’m not personally a big fan of a few of these studios, but still, this is one of the most toxic and worst posts I’ve ever seen.

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Sorry I forgot about Sport Interactive / Football Manager.

Terrible take right here.

This has been discussed quite a bit but yea Sega has a lot that could be worthwhile to Xbox. On top of those two devs they also get a massive ip in Sonic. They get the Yakuza devs, Persona Devs plus a ton of IP that is valuable and being revived right now. Streets of Rage, Panzer Dragoon, Jet Set Radio, Sonic, Persona, Yakuza, SMT, the list goes on. I’d love to see MS swoop in and save Sega


Oh, yeah. Can’t believe I forgot about PSO2. Literally put a 100 hours into it. Xbox doesn’t have any MMOs of their own currently (though they do own ZeniMax Online now), so it would be another nice addition. The upcoming New Genesis looks nice as well. And then with Sonic they can have an E rated franchise like Phil Spencer wanted as well as a popular platformer series.


Can we refrain form calling devs “smelly dogshit” or anything equivalent? Development for games is incredibly hard work, in some ways more so than it’s ever been especially in the COVID era. Secondly, I think this is one of the most other-ERA takes I’ve ever seen; ignoring the legacy of Crytek alone, both in their IP and contribution to gaming from a technology, I wouldn’t call any of those aforementioned devs (or really any devs that people have been excited about the prospect of acquiring in this thread) a waste of money. Do you think Naughty Dog started out making AAA blockbusters, or Rare or Bungie for that matter? Of course not, they started small, grew better at their craft, and perhaps most importantly, formed a relationship with a third-party/first-party publisher to grant them the funding, tools, and security to reach those heights.


They definitely need to get Sega and Bioware, so then they could finally do the sequel we all NEED.