Where and when did you buy your Xbox One from?

Got mine the day it launched in the states, from a Best Buy in Salem New Hampshire (no sales tax)


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I got mine in 2014 to play Dragon Age Inquisition. It was the Assassin’s Creed Unity bundle.

Xbox One X was the Fallout 76 bundle in 2019.

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I was actually thinking about this today… I picked up my Xbox One to play Forza Horizon 2 in 2014 :slightly_smiling_face:

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I bought my OG XBox one from gamestop on launch day in Illinois USA

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I got my first Xbox One on April 2016 at a local game store. Held off getting an Xbox one but had to pick one up for Quantum Break. Go figure they’d reveal the much better looking S model a few months later lol.

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I skipped X1 and I bought the 1X at launch in november 2017 directly from MS Store. After that I never looker back at my PS4, the 1X was such a better machine.

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