What would you rate Halo Infinites multiplayer?

Just make everything available through prestiging after reaching 100 in battlepass. Refresh all the rewards with pieces of armor you don’t have.

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I think they could monetize the ‘base’ armor cores (i.e. not come in any specialized colour) and allow the players to customize from a wide range of colours, if not all.

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They could adopt the Valorant scheme of getting weapon (and in this case armor) color variants with the battle pass currency

It’s amazing, and even my friends that walked away from halo after Halo 3 are loving this game. Also many of the issues are fixable and on the microtransaction ends they can make the system better like giving bonus XP for winning would be a start

I voted 9.

Lack of player collision doesn’t really bother me, personally.

Lack of SWAT, however, does bother me. More playlists/options are necessary.

Quick Resume doesn’t work on the game as of now. Unacceptable for a first-party game a year after the launch of the platform.

Not really a battle-pass or progression kind of guy, but I want other people to be happy so they can stop talking about that stuff and start talking about how great the game is.

I hope 343 gets this game to a place where everyone is enjoying it.

I gave it a 10 because they made a polished, thoughtfully-fresh Halo sandbox that is welcomed by old school fans and younger CoD zombies.

Everyone has unique complaints, and mine is that SBMM is too strict to the point where there isn’t a playlist I can play while not trying super hard.

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It may be a case of “right place, right time”, but I haven’t enjoyed a multiplayer shooter this much since Halo 3. Truly, I can’t remember a time, in the recent past, when I was craving throughout the day to put in a few rounds, but that’s happening here with Infinite. There are things that need to be ironed out, certainly, but the core is more than solid.

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The only real complaint is the wonky melee, and the fact that you can’t really hear other Spartan footsteps. To me that’s a pivotal piece of any good multiplayer to be able to hear when someone is walking above you, below you, around corners.

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Weapons feel great and the gameplay overall is probably my favorite in the franchise. But the progression system and map composition is a bit lacking. Fortunately, these are elements that will certainly improve over time.

Hey wait…aren’t we hypocrits for criticizing sites that are already scoring the multiplayer, if we do the same thing here?

…eh fuck it, 10 for me!


I would give it an 7,5 so I voted 8.


  • Fun!
  • Good gunplay.
  • Performs well.


  • Progression is not great.
  • Challenges disrupts the game.
  • Battlefield awareness is so-so, mostly thanks to sounds.
  • Can’t turn off cross-play with PC.

Don’t worry, this won’t be a published article :wink:

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100% a fucking 10! The progression will be updated(it’s only been 2 weeks and in Beta status) and more shit will be added. Just to vent, man…reading “other” forums I feel like some gamers are no joke…very privileged. “Let me get my armor now! I want my gun color after 3 matches!” It’s just CRAZY to me to see people LOVE the gameplay and the moments SO much but say they won’t stick around until the progression is fixed. Like WHAT?! I guess being a 33 year old gamer is a good thing lol, good ole’ times. Anyways, love the game and I’m sure a big “Day 1” patch will add stuff and re-arrange stuff or even remove stuff.


8/10 solo, 9/10 with friends. 10/10 once progression is tweaked and more maps/modes are added. 11/10 if they bring back Warzone, too.


Gameplay 10/10 but the battlepass and item store is ridiculous.

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I voted eight but if we were going to split up the gameplay itself from the progression system, I’d score the gameplay a 9 and the progression system to be a 3/10 (when it launched it was a 1/10).

What would make the gameplay perfect for me is slight tweaking to the rocket speed, reducing the sword lunge range, and reducing the instakill range on the Hammer. I suspect the reason why all three are the way they are is because the maps are larger for BTB.

I love everything about the game but don’t like the battle pass progression and armour customisation options right now, those two things I don’t like do not ruin the game for me though and I haven’t played a MP game this much since cod4/halo 3 days so that’s why I voted 10/10. I was leaning 9/10 because of the BP stuff but I’m having so much fun playing the game when I’m playing with friends I don’t actually think about it.

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I gave it a 10 because I dont play competivly and just play to have fun. The games I have played have been that. I can care less of my character looks. It may be a narrow view but its just fun multiplayer. I like the time to kill is slower than other games. Ity’s a crazy good time.

Game play is top notch and FUN.

I would like to see a better progression / ranking system like most but I’m sure it’s something 343 will address over time. If they did something similar to the MCC I’d be happy. Performance in game should matter rather than strictly be limited to completing a match or challenges. It’d also be great to get bigger career challenges once the game is out (i.e. games played, kills, headshots, etc).

More playlists (Team Slayer, SWAT, etc).

Solid 9 out of 10 from me.