Ah ok
DC has more interesting characters.
I would love a Constantine game.
I’ve done a lot of writing for a Xmen Rogue game btw. It’s a concept I’ve had for years. How the game plays, what genre, etc. Used to get bored a lot
Yeah I didn’t like Marvel Comics compared to DC/Vertigo, back in the day which has changed later in life, but its just Marvel Saturation now.
I say Black Orchid!
I really can’t imagine Wolverine doing stealth. He always felt more straight up brawler to me. The character more suited for stealth is Nightcrawler. Thats just how it seems to me.
Maybe the could pull Black Widow or Mystique or Susan Storm for a stealth approach. It seems too late to do a BW game, considering the big time movie was due last year then pushed to this year. I also cringe at the Fantastic 4 because of how much of a flop it’s been historically in movies. It would take a large movie effort from Marvel now to turn that around and making a game on an unknown reception movie is maybe too risky.
I voted Daredevil and it would be sweet if the game represented how he saw the world. Ie. audio is represented visually.
And where he could filter out sounds, or make an attempt to hear certain sounds. And in combat the opponent’s telegraph their attacks with the sound of their clothes moving do you would have something like a spider-sense before they strike.
Where you can clang your batons together to map out the region in front of you including around corners.
It could look real but very abstract at the same time.
Captain America.
It just fits. Xbox is as American as Apple pie.
That sounds like a lot of fun.
Don’t know if you played Beyond Eyes but it did some pretty neat stuff with sound as well for a girl who couldn’t see. I think reviewers struggled with it a bit, but I thought it was pretty decent. Had some rough edges but the idea and mechanics were neat.
It was an XBLIG game, right? It sounds very familiar.
Looked like an indie game, not a huge team. 2-3 hours. I played it maybe 2 years ago. You walk around looking for a cat, and the sounds you hear fill in the world around you, kind of like a watercolor.
It would be classified as a walking sim mostly, but it was a different experience from most games out there. Just you mentioning using sound to fill in the world around you made me think of this.
Ninja Theory could do this! Their experience on Hellblade’s audio can come through even more in Daredevil.
Hulk with the Crackdown destruction engine actually working and a massive city that constantly rebuilds after you.
And please not the :“Punisher”… that is as low risk white bread as they become, plus it gets you in with those schmucks that dog whistle to NAZIs with his logo.
If it had to be a stealth game? Nightcrawler, as especially now he has a crisis of faith.
Punisher is the first option. A game from Captain America would also be cool.
I also think it would be better with DC. A Wonder Woman game with Ninja Theory would be fantastic.
I’m sad seeing how far Iron Man is down the list
I vote for Dr. Strange: greath character, great powers for gameplay, you could easily build an arpg instead of the classic action adventure with him.
Skin Anthem as Iron Man and make it good bam
Silver Surfer is not even in the poll
Yeah spiderman is the most popular marvel character and probably the best character to translate to a game.
I think only a DC character could compete with that. Nothing from marvel can compete with Spider-Man.