What is the best Fallout Game?

Hahaha. I did consider buying the Game of the Year Edition last week since it was on sale for $10 but didn’t pull the trigger mainly because I knew I wouldn’t be playing it any time soon. The upgrade tomorrow does increase the chances of me eventually giving it a second chance which I have done for several games over the years but there’s simply other games and expansions that I want to play a lot more right now.

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Can’t wait! Was really inspiring seeing all those high level guys taking down that Scorch beast Queen last night. Felt like a real battle, big Power armor guys protecting the rest of us, huge guns, people running around getting rid of mobs and helping downed players… It was awesome.

The sounds was really great too, this game has some good sound and music for sure.

Yeah, I’ll take you up on that some time for sure :wink:

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Fair enough, there’s sooo many games to play. But when you find a hole in the schedule you should definitely check it out. It can be very immersive, and the exploration is excellent fun.

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Maybe in the summer. I’m trying to knock out a few of my backlogged games/expansions since I only have two upcoming games that I want to play (Stellar Blade and Hellblade 2) but after them, I have nothing with a release date until Star Wars Outlaws.

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Gonna probably build an OT for Fallout talk not related to best of talk, but in the meantime: for those playing 76, don’t forget tomorrow is the start of the Daily Doubles (Thurs - Mon), so you’ll received double points for daily challenges. Good time to catch up on your board if you haven’t.


The current generation upgrade releases tomorrow so it would be a perfect time for a Fallout OT.


It’s 4 for me but it’s more to do with the modernity and mods. New Vegas has the unquestionably better writing and questing, but it and 3 I just could not replay much (please remake), 4 also has better exploration and world for me.

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4 managed to do so much and still knocked the vast majority of it out of the park. Absolutely love that game.

Plus, it did what I’ve been telling @ladyknottian I’d wanted in a Fallout game for years: a direct, playable glimpse of pre-nuke America. The show took this even further with Cooper’s character obviously, and I think it resonated so much because of those sequences.

Genuinely hope that the next Fallout takes my idea to the full conclusion (the context that would enable my original idea): where you play a ghoul who lived in the before times, became a ghoul and so on. Flashback sequences could work better than my idea of playing several hours in pre-fallout America, and then the game spans a series of decades as you go through different phases of life (a la Morpheus and Gadling circa The Sandman).

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Really neat idea. Fallout can set different story types game genres they don’t even have to be an RPG. I was thinking about a Fallout made by 4A with a similar structure to Metro Exodus, that’d be such an amazing fit.

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I’m making my way through FO3 now, but have played a bit of 4, and I prefer that from memory. I am having a good time in 3 though.

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New Vegas is my favourite game of all time. Has the most memorable story, quests and characters.

I’ve loved all of the games I’ve played though (3, 4, NV, 76) There isn’t a bad one among them.

Best IP in gaming!


I’m the only one who voted on Fallout 2? I used to think this forum had a distinguished taste in video games. Now I’m not quite sure about that anymore.


I haven’t played it yet, but heard great things, so will get to it. My preference is to play through the more modern ones first.


Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics are in a genre of their own to be fair. Out of those 3 definitely FO2 wins hands down. That one time i accidentally became a porn star in San Reno…


I have it in second place!


It depends a lot on what your first Fallout game was.

I was young when Fallout 1 and 2 came out. I only watched them played by a friend at the time. The first game I played by myself from start to finish was Fallout 3, so of course, it is special to me.

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I’ve only played Fallout 3, New Vegas and Fallout 4. Too little of 76 to judge it. Never played the PC only games.

For me 3 is the best one. I will never forget the first time I used VATS, exiting the vault. Going to Megaton and then later on blowing it the fuck up. Man that sure was a sight. It allowed me to be this evil mofo, the exact opposite of my real personality.

I prefer the game world over NV and 4 as well. Even though NV did several very important gameplay parts a lot better. But I also lost about 20 or so hours of progress due to like ten or so corrupted save files and many, many crashes. NV was way too buggy for me.

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I installed both Fallout 1 and 2 via GP on my cheap PC. I’m going to catch up on those oldies I promise !


Same… though I legitimately love 2, 4, and 1 equally. 2 has some of the best side stories/quests without a doubt.

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What I would give to be able to play those for the first time on decent hardware… my experience was in a 240p windowed screen since my POS Acer at the time had a 32MB integrated card (which were infinitely worse than even Intel’s integrated solutions of today!)

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