What are you playing first on your new Xbox Series X?

Valhalla would be my choice. Ask yourself this, do you want to be a Viking or a hacker?

I love both of the newer games, and I agree Origins had a much better story. However, after going through Odyssey and going back to origins I was surprised by how unpleasant the control is compared to Odyssey. Spending 80+ hours with the slightly improved mobility gets you really used to it, and being Bayek again felt like a shopping trolley with a stuck wheel! Not dissimilar to playing an old football game, you get used to the smallest changes.

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Falconeer and Doom Eternal probably.

Or Rocket League like always

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No Manā€™s Sky

Especially with that 4K60 patch.

Edit: And itā€™s a small download. I wonder how long itā€™ll take to convert from the One X version to the Series.

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Either way, youā€™re attacking the UK, you monsters.

Go away Vikings!


Interesting I havenā€™t been back to origins, but I just remember loving Bayek, and the world of origins so much more, it felt a lot more handcrafted, where as at times, Odyssey felt like it was procedurally generated. :frowning:

Mega hyped for Valhalla and hope the world has a more hand crafted feel like origins :slight_smile:

I knew I missed some things, also reminded me ark got an update too, whilst I only tried the game once it was absolutely unplayable.

& they even had the balls to tag digital foundry with their update trailer.

So it might finally be in a playable state :o

Ori isnā€™t listed, either that or Gears Tactics so I voted that.

Sadly, I donā€™t recommend going back to Origins purely because of how it feels compared to Odyssey. A bit like when you canā€™t jump/crouch in a fps game, there is just something that now feels hindered in the movements. I am really looking forward to Valhalla, but made the mistake of mentioning it during a Christmas conversation, and now canā€™t risk buying it until December 26th

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New game - AC Valhalla

Old game - Gears 5

Valhalla for sure. A see a lot of people saying it looks like Odyssey from One X. I only played Odyssey on a PS4, so that alone would be a huge graphical jump, Iā€™m assuming.

The gameplay looks fun, and I can imagine 40+ hours in it easy. Then Gears Tactics.

Maybe Watch Dogs Legion after as the Raytracing looks amazing and slowly getting sold on it.

Thatā€™s a flex isnā€™t it.

Canā€™t wait for the full DF views on these Series patched games to see if they make them feel like new generation content.

Having games like FH4 etc in 4K60 is a generation leap in my eyes, for example.

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Iā€™m mega pumped for the gears 5 video myself, I want to see what resolution and how stable the 120fps is on gears 5.

It could tempt me to upgrade my TV tbh, Gears 5 mp is played nearly daily by myself.

& horizon 4 at 4k/60fps will be excellent, hope they do some more dlc for that game to tide us over.

It was done by the Origins team so I have big hopes!

Probably Gears Tactics or Falconeer. After that FH4 or the DLC for Outer Worlds, couldnā€™t stand the loading times on One X anymore.

Might consider Dirt now after those reviews, could be a good pick up and play game in between bouts of ACV.

Ori, Jedi Fallen Order, Grounded, and the Witcher. All games Iā€™ve put off due to poor performance on 1S. Then I will probably play all the Gears games again for kicks

Control will wait a little longer for next-gen patch, but will be on the lookout for Ultimate edition sale over Holidays

Gonna be Yakuza for me! Canā€™t freaking wait! Love me some turn-based RPG goodness! :smiley:

Definitely gonna fire up Ori WotW first to see how it looks on my new 4K TV but Yakuza is the one Iā€™m actually going to play.

Probably DIRT 5. Been playing the current-gen version these days and Iā€™m curious to see the difference.