Weird error when I try to edit my own messages

This is strange as hell but for the last few days I have this weird errors when I try to edit my messages. As soon as I started editing it says edit conflict. I’ve included a picture of it. So basically I can’t edit my messages at all.

Yeah, I’ve had the same happen and @ProgStopper reported it too. Thanks for providing extra information.


That’s weird. I’ve never had that problem.

Glad it wasn’t just me.

:eyes: Thought for a second there the mods were spying on me. :eyes:

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Yeah I get it too from time to time. Something about “Someone else is allready editing your post” or something like that. Super weird.

Haha, you and me both :wink:

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Well, not trying to scare y’all, but who’s to say they aren’t? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: