Visions of Mana is now Play Anywhere on Xbox


*Visions of Mana

Curse you Xbox for making digital attractive.


I didn’t click on this initially, thinking it was a game I just hadn’t heard of, lol.

That’s great news for those with a PC too.

Don’t forget the Ally/Deck with Windows/Legion/Others. That’s where the beauty of PA comes in.


Hm, what does this mean by the way? I mean you play on any location but i feel like there’s something else. To me i think it could very well release on Gamepass but i guess its too much to ask, right?

Oh shit, had not thought of that. I don’t mess with handhelds but that IS indeed very dope!

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Hell yeah! One more reason for me to buy it on Xbox!

In my mind basically any game that has a Windows Store version is going to hit Game Pass at some point. Just not at launch.

Though if I want to play it I still tend to vote with my $ and buy it at launch.

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For now it most likely just means the dual console/pc entitlement. It does mean it’s easier to bring to the full Game Pass suite down the line, though.

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A “Play Anywhere” title, when you buy it, allows you to play the game from any device with your MS/Xbox account on it. You buy it one time and you can play on Xbox, PC, handheld, etc… Saves cross over too if I am not mistaken. So for example you can be playing at home on Xbox and then grab your laptop and continue playing where you left off on the road.

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I had a great experience playing Persona 3 remake and infinite wealth with PA. It’s an underrated feature and hope for games to have that feature in the future

This looks great. I like the look of this a lot, might preorder


Some extra info

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If only I have close connection with this franchise, but if anyone is interested, here you go.

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Day one for me but was hoping for early August.

  1. Visions of Mana
  2. Star Wars Outlaws
  3. Astro Bot
  4. Stalker 2
  5. Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2

All in a span of two weeks. Thanks to all the publishers out there who love ignoring the majority of the rest of the year. UGH.

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No love for Concord?

60 bucks is a very reasonable price for nowadays. I assume that means 60 euros too, but you never know with our country.

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In all honesty, no interest in the story, characters and humor but I did like the sci-fi vibe of it and the environments look good plus the combat seems to be solid but im not an online co-op/multi-player gamer. If I can’t play the game to where I can complete it fully solo (ala Division and Outriders), it’s a no go for me regardless of what game it is.

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