This title does not look impressive at all. A “remake” of Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown which is already available on Xbox as a BC title, and the only thing remade about it are the graphics which to me don’t even look good?
This is just not true. They’re adding new features such as tournaments, a lobby system, and some other stuff. And anyway, I don’t know about you, but it looks better than 90% of the Japanese fighting games out there graphically. It’s a cool thing for Virtua Fighter fans, and it’s nice to know SEGA hasn’t just forgotten about the series.
It’s just sad they’ve forgotten about their fans on PC and Xbox though. Online communities do so much better being on several platforms and crossplay is so easy to implement. Virtua Fighter isn’t as popular as the other big fighting games out there; I think it’s being sent out to die even being free on PS+ And especially only on PS4.
I like Virtua Fighter but I don’t see this game revitalizing the series at all. I doubt this game will do much for the series. Without PS+ this game would be buried.
Yeah, their fighting games strategy I fear is non existant at this point, they expect the usual suspects on the platform and don’t even bother to react if they lose some titles on the road, this is a fact considering it’s a recurring song over the last 5-6 years.
The Legendary Pack DLC looks enticing. A ton of additional content, and for me the additional music and the retro skins and a stage (couldn’t see anywhere if they recreated all the original stages) are highlights.
It’s pretty great. I’ve been playing virtua Fighter since the Sega 32x and Dreamcast days and had a lot of fun with it. I wish there were more modes but in a weird way it gave the game a bit of charm how old school it felt playing arcade mode over and over. Anyway gameplay is perfect for the series, graphics are nice and visuals felt polished on the characters and levels. Great job from Sega and I appreciate that it was a free PlayStation Plus game but I am an Xbox guy so I hope an Xbox version is coming and they give us bonus items for making us wait.
Wasn’t the rumour that SF6 was going to be multiplatform?
Anyway, good thing that VF5 will be coming to other platforms, was probably only going to be a timed exclusive like a lot of those PS+ titles it seems. If it comes to Xbox and PC it will be good for the game’s online user base that’s for sure, as long as it’s crossplay enabled.
SF4 did incredibly well on Xbox 360, it’d be stupid to lock this game to one console for another generation. Especially considering the 360 was the defacto console for fighting games during that gen.
Theres no contract in place. Even if theres xbox version planned. Bimbo Ryan will try and get an exclusive contract. But unlike SF5…6 will make it to xbox regardless. The rumour is its being developed for Xbox. I’m pretty certain FF7 remake is being developed for Xbox too. SE just can’t release it yet.
SEGA’s Twitter posted a link to a survey about VF5 Ultimate Showdown for those that have and have not purchased the game.
I chose the one where I did not purchase the game because even though I get it free for PS Plus I would like to buy the game so it didn’t depend on my subscription.
I basically stated that I would purchase the game if it was available on Xbox as that is my preferred 3rd party game platform. Is also my fighting game platform.