Video Game Market Analysis Thread

I wonder if Splatoon is the reasoning for this? MS and Sony bow out for the week and sends the consoles to other regions while Japan enjoys the LITERAL BIGGEST OPENING SALES IN JAPAN Splatoon 3.

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I think Sony and MS were like “Splatoon 3 is coming out, let’s not even bother. Maybe wait a few weeks and then restock.”

Why? Its a complete waste of money.

Switch lite is useless.


It is. Its cheaper yet being outsold by vanilla switch despite oled being out.

Nobody asked for a handheld only switch.

I think hitting 3 corners of the market is a pretty smart move. I don’t think it’s useless at all.

Nintendo could make 8 revisions and theyd sell somewhat.

The oled makes it obselete. Also id like to know numbers outside japan.

This is why PS5 software sales in Japan are so abysmal compared to the hardware sold. Seems quite a number of the consoles sold… are no longer in Japan.


And people were arguing that it was not happening :joy:

Ouch. No wonder port begging for FF16 began.

Funny thing about that…

Square Enix is at Steam’s TGS booth/show… Showing newcomers what Steam is and how to install it.

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You know Sony is doing something wrong, when even this guy said something not as positive about them :


promoting steam yet took Epic’s money to launch ff7r on their own launcher 1st on PC. clowns.



I am guessing the units went to the NA market as NBA2K 23 came out. Its a big system seller.

I saw my local walmart was fully stocked on 11/9 with about 8 units. I went grocery shopping 3 days later and there was only 2 Series S available.

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PS embracing PC is paying off. Now fully embrace it and release on it day 1.

PS is having a big sale over Steam. But yes, they should make it day one. No need for “concern.” MW2 listed here is many reason for MS dying for acquisition to complete. So much money.