Video Game Market Analysis Thread

Exiting times imdeed u.u


You can’t fight steam, but you can take some market share. If Sony were to offer their games as play anywhere, then I think that can steal some sales from Steam. I thought Microsoft was going to go in that direction, but I think the tougher challenge with that are publishers not wanting that due to they prefer consumers to double dip.

It seems Helldivers is quite good, it looks good too. Would have liked that for Xbox for sure. People can say what they want about how Sony has a dry year this year, but do they really? Solely first party wise, sure. But they have plenty great exclusive stuff coming or already out. When it comes to that I would argue they have it quite better than Xbox does.

Until May it isn’t super great for Xbox when it comes to exclusive games from third parties or first.


Yes. They do. They really do. And the excuses always end the same. Sales.


Valve were so far ahead of the game really.


Like I said, when it comes to first party absolutely. Although I would almost say FF7R is first party at this point, lol. I know it isn’t, but it’s also not coming to Xbox soon if at all.

But they have Helldivers, FF7R Rebirth, Ronin is not too far away now and I think there’s more. Let’s say they got the better deals.

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Sony, never really has a dry year because they leverage third parties to fill the gap. If they didn’t have the leverage, then yeah they would have dry year many times over imo. They have the luxury of being the go to platform for Japanese games.

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Honestly, starting to feel the PS5 pro isn’t real or it’s not coming out. It doesn’t make sense to release a luxury console with their low operation margin.


Nintendo too. All third party publishers could implode tomorrow and they would barely feel it.

Probably wont stay that way. Everyone said that about FF 16.

Starting to feel like chasing classic-style hardware sales is the wrong call



Probably because they can sell it at a high premium

Based on the above imagine if Xbox ever went after Roblox, T2 (GTA) or Epic (Fortnite).

Maybe if the multiplatform rumours are true it’s because they are going after another big one. It would truly make them the most dominant gaming publisher out there.

Don’t think Microsoft will be allowed another huge acquisition at least not anytime soon, even if they put everything multiplatform, it’s not just that it’s more about their huge and quick expansion and big tech scrutiny



5.5% margins will do that, crazy low


They don’t even need to “leverage” 3rd parties, they completely rely on them for ongoing revenue. Their minor success as of late is due to being the default console. Still that’s returned jack shit in making real money compared to what they spend.


Weren’t they operating a loss most of the PS3 gen

Pretty sure it is real. Sony is still trying to pad their console sales numbers above all else. They’re already selling the Portal as a second “console” to their existing users. The slightly upgraded Pro will be the third console sold to (mostly) the same users.

I don’t think they’ll sell it for a loss. But profit margin will be slim, while also not increasing their userbase or software revenue.