UK: Call of Duty: Vanguard on Xbox was 90% digital download

For those that don’t know, people will gladly give up physical in exchange for convenience. That’s all there is to it.

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It was the case with music and then movies and now it is the case with games.

I personally still like physical due to game sales and collecting, but honestly digital should be the way to go for most people. It just makes sense for families or multiple users. No need to worry about disks, just have the game digital on the console and everyone can play it. You can also “game share” with a friend and split the costs of your games without trading disks or worrying about losing them.

The fear of not being able to play these games in the future because the game gets de-listed without a physical backup is overblown IMO.

Not quite sure how I feel about Xbox getting outsold 2:1 again.

I thought it would be closer at this point.

Is Series still ahead of Xbox One and Xbox 360 YTD?

not surprised PS coming of huge PS4 success, xbox still got a lot of work on ads and GP still not that big. xbox will gain ground when Starfield and other big guns hit.

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Digital will gain more ground in the future, the new generation of players born with digital world

Publishers on Xbox:

Get Your Billion Back Make It Rain GIF by Billion Back Records

MrMattyPlays is shambles :joy:

Once I set up GameShare, there are zero advantages to physical.

Lol where are you seeing this? It’s definitely not 2: 1

Are they specifically talking about COD Vanguard selling 2:1 by system breakdown?

I’m specifically talking about global console sales being 2 to 1 right now.

Also I’m glad the Series S is selling so well as a secondary console, but it annoys me as a Series X user because the X is the better console and should have all eyes on it in terms of sales and optimization.

I’d say two things about this.

The first is that every Series X that gets made gets sold, and every PS5 that gets made get sold.

I have no doubt that there is greater demand for PS5 (without a reason to ditch it, most will naturally get the same brand console if they were happy with the last, and PS4 was the massive market leader) but we can’t really judge how much demand until we are at a point that supply was being met.

If Microsoft had not had a massive upgrade programme to do on xCloud, updating all the blades to Xbox Series X, then they would have sold all those potential consoles too. If PS5 hadn’t had its own supply constricted, they would have sold more – the actual demand for supply is a black box.

The second is that, as noted above, the market leader from the previous generation will always continue the momentum into the next – shy some massive fuck up, like the Xbox One launch or the PS3 launch. As the generation goes on, and Xbox continues on this momentum, it can certainly end up with a much better market share.

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I know this is off topic but where ever people are getting 2:1 from they are are misinformed. Microsoft sells every console it makes. It’s closer to 1:1 and judging from the games announced Microsoft will easily sell as many Xboxs as Sony sells PS5s this generation. Xbox has the power and exclusives advantage, plus this little thing called Gamepass.

It comes from here

It literally in the VGC article that Ampere estimate Series sold in a 6.X million and PS5 Sold-In at 12.x millio.

2 to 1.

I think another thing to point out is those numbers for both Xbox and PS5 are estimates at the end of September and it’s likely that both are a fair bit higher as off mid November.

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Sony has announced PlayStation numbers so everything is just guessing with Xbox. I will say this; if Sony managed to manufacture twice as many consoles as Microsoft that is a huge scandal and someone will need to explain to the shareholders why they failed so spectacularly to manufacture consoles that would be an instant sale. You need to at least be in the same ballpark as your competition. If Microsoft had doubled PlayStation in manufacturing then they would also sell double PlayStation. How could the richest company in the world get beat so badly in manufactured consoles.

Wasn’t there another estimate not to long ago that had Xbox at a little over 8 million sold?

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Xcloud servers is the likely reason, they are not just making the console to sell them.

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