Twitter embeds

Thanks to new Twitter rules for embeding and sharing tweets on other places, many websites were impacted by this. Before, pasting links in our forum will result in rich embed of Twitter content. Now they want 100$/mo to enable that functionality again.

We found new way around it and tweets will embed as iframe, which will still display native version of the tweet but it is a bit slower then usual, cause each embed is generated on the fly (first it will display the link to the tweet, and than embedded version will appear).

When you paste the tweet link in the composer on the desktop, it will not show tweet in the preview window, and that is by design to eliminate additional iframe calls and flag the website.

So, as before, just paste Twitter links and they will be embedded, but with a nativ look.

Please refresh the forum to see this in action.


I’m using the Era “app”, I’ve restarted it several times but tweets remains like they were yesterday. How exactly do you refresh?

I use iPad Safari and yes I can see Twitter posts embedded now. Thanks for finding a solution :raised_hands:

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Im not sure, but for me using Chrome on Android, all I had to do was navigate into a thread with tweets and then wait a couple seconds while the tweets showed up.


It’s working now.

Hmm strange. Because the app basically is Chrome, an extention I think it is.

Oh here we go, works! Sweet.


Ah, so that’s why the links looked different after they were fixed. I guess other websites will either adopt the same style Xboxera has, or just take a screen shot and put it up with the link.

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