TWELVE MINUTES | Cast Reveal Trailer- James McAvoy, Daisy Ridley, Willem Dafoe. Coming to Xbox and PC

I’m really into these small scale indie games myself. If it is this year I’m hopeful for launch. :slight_smile:

Looked really interesting since the very first time they showed it - funny how Geoff legit didn’t know that we saw this game multiple times already and boasted how he’s honoured to be able to announce this game at the show. Impressive star power they managed to build, too. Can’t wait for this one.

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Annapurna is what Devolver was a few years ago, in the sense that they were releasing hit after hit but weren’t getting the recognition they deserve. Devolver has now become more than mainstream but I believe they’re one of the few that shall preserve their identity no matter how big they get and keep greenlighting the kind of projects they’ve become known for (and those that are simply surprising to see from them, so it’s a good mix of knowing what to expect but still expecting some surprises along the way as well). Annapurna is gearing up to be one of the premier indie publishers albeit with a very obvious connection the indie movie scene as well, which can bring a unique offering to the medium and it seems to be showing fruition through high caliber casting like in this game. Can’t wait!

I’m intrigued. Definitely a play in the holy grail of gaming pass game pass

It’s not a PS-game so…of course he doesn’t care.

This, TUNIC and The Last Night are what I’m waiting for.


Good news, if you have a a PC, Tunic has a demo on steam right now! It’s limited period but I can’t wait to go check it out, been away from my system at the moment.

Bad News, Last Night is still years away, I suspect based on developer’s twitter posts that I follow regularly, the game had to restart its production after their funding got cut off. So it’s still far away, but I’m confident the game shall be absolutely stunning when it releases. The creator is very inquisitive and takes the medium of cyberpunk seriously, on more levels than just “cool neon lights and corporate douchebags”.

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Yeah them and Focus Home too. Really love the cottage industry of indy pubs that is growing and fostering rly great projects that are diverse and have a consistency to the quality.

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The game looks amazing. Some really great talents right now.

TWELVE MINUTES | Behind The Scenes - Voice-Over Sessions