Turtle Beach Stealth Ultra Controller | Review


Nice review man.

I didn’t see it mentioned but is it true that there’s no rumble/vibration? Some don’t care about it, but I am too used to having this on controllers.

Ooh interesting! With the current Xbox implementation I turn it off anyway.

When they eventually update to haptics like Nintendo & PS I’ll start using it more frequently.

I talk about it in the review, it has vibration. It’s subtle compared to the regular xbox motors but I prefer it.

Oh shit, I must have missed that when I was reading, lol.

Hmm, subtle. Could be good actually, because the rumble on the Elite V2 can be quite…aggressive. There was something that was lacking on this, I remember a conversation I had on Twitter. Paddles. They are lacking on this? For some games it’s fine, but if it’s a game where I sprint a lot with the left stick, the paddles have become unmissable for me.

they’re not paddles but buttons and they’re extremely sensitive. You can easily mis-click them. My main complaint really. Fully programmable at least.

After seeing something like this on the market I’m more hopeful that the next Elite might finally have Hall Effect sticks.

The Sebile also looks promising with ‘modular thumbsticks’, perhaps this means if they don’t come with them we can still upgrade them.

I’m still waiting for Gulikit to release their revised Hall Effect upgrade for the OLED Steam Deck (it only works with the old LCD version).

Yeah, that’s gonna be a no for me. The paddles have proven to be so damn good for several games. I’m used to it now. The V2 core is doing okay, sometimes the face buttons don’t register immediately but most of the time it’s good. I do hope that if MS comes with a V3 that they really take these issues into account.

Great review!

Did you experience the sticks getting scratched on the rings? I have seen some user reviews with it so I didn’t know if that was a problem with all or just some.

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A tiny bit, it smoothed out almost immediately

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I really want one but the Amazon reviews are quite bad for that expensive of a controller (3.6/5) so I’m kind of on the fence to be honest. I’d get the Hanes or for the Hall effect sticks but it’s unfortunately only wired which is a no go for me.

Was just looking into a new controller! Can’t wait to look at this, thanks Jesse!