The Medium [OT] Dual Sensed

Gamespot gives it a 9/10 WOW did not expect that high

Game Watcher 8.5/10

PC Gamer 92/100

Critical Hit 8.5/10

Gameinformer 6.75/10


That’s pretty surprising !

Opencritic reviews:

I pegged it for a 77 haha lets see if it gets close! either way I’m excited to play it.

alright Im bad at predicting scores lol

What was your score?

84 lol


Oh haha

fuuny enough slow pacing in a horror game is a win for me lol

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Sounds in line for a Bloober game. Honestly the only reason this is getting as much attention is because its an Xbox Series game so people cant wait to use that MC score.

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XGS doomed you say? Honestly I muted the worst people on twitter since then it became a lot more nice :smiley:

I wish people didn’t use MC/OC as a weapon, it’s cringe. For me anything 70+ is worth checking out and even games below that, people shouldn’t go off by what the score is unless the game is really buggy or there is an obvious flaw.

Like for example someone could score the game a 5/10 because they hated the combat because it was too chaotic but loved everything else, you might love chaotic combat so the game to you could be an 8/10.

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Still gonna play it anyway but its like people dont research who makes games.

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I think it also bears mentioning that The Medium is one of the best kinds of 70s: divisive. It’s in the 70s because there is no consensus which means many do love the game. It’s less “meh it was good” and more “I loved/hated this” which is far more exciting, and makes giving the game a whirl with Game Pass all the more enticing.


It’s also worth noting that this game touches on some serious and incredibly heavy subject matter, so keep that in mind before playing. I won’t go into any specifics because I genuinely believe how the story is unraveled and how it’s presented through new and innovative gameplay mechanics is its biggest achievement. I wouldn’t want to take those initial discoveries away from anyone jumping into this game for the first time. If you’re a fan of cryptic character dissections as opposed to more in-your-face exposition, chances are you’ll love the delicate examination of the darkest recesses of the human psyche uncovered in this title.

Qoute from Miles The Medium for Xbox Series X/S review: A compelling blend of innovation and nostalgia | Windows Central

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Yeah if you have Game Pass and into these sorts of games it should be a no brainer, if you don’t like it you can just stop playing and delete it haha. Not every game has to be ground breaking and shake up the industry. I’m really hyped to check it out and I’m not even a huge horror fan!

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Yes, absolutely. I was shocked at where the story went in some areas. It was surprisingly mature and nuanced, and I won’t dare spoil what happens.

You have played it?

I have. Reviewed it for work. Stayed up so late playing it because I was enthralled.


A game like this is helped massively by Game Pass because how diverse the reviews are from 4 to 10, you can try it for yourself and won’t feel the disappointment in buying it if it turns out not to be to your liking, but if it is then it’s a massive win that you got to try it.