The Gaming Screenshots Thread |OT|

Ιt’s insanely good looking especially considering that it looks like this on the One X and runs like butter too, can’t wait to see what id will do with the Series X/S patch.

BTW your beautiful screenshots of A Plague Tale in this thread was the reason that I downloaded the game a few days ago! I had no idea that this game looked that good! :nerd_face:

@brunopcosta1 Medium looks amazing! like holy shit… :open_mouth:


Xbox Series X (Performance mode)


Yea there are often many games which looks really good and are very unique but don’t get the exposure as they are not mainstream. But for me I love to play such games apart from the usual blockbuster releases and TBH those games are very memorable and often surprises you.


Hitman 2(Xbox Series S)

The Medium - (Xbox Series S)


More Cyberpunk 2077.

Return to Night City. Imgur

Corridor shooter? Imgur


Looks Great Dude.

I am planning to play this game after maybe 3-4 months, mostly on PC, as I want to experience this game with RT. Till then waiting for 3080 to get in stock. Hopefully I can get my hands on the card this month.

Lookin good. Your screens for the plague tale where great tooo but dang you pretty much posted every scene in this game :smiley:

Yeah pics don’t do it justice tbh, the proper XSX-version will be awesome I suspect too.

You might be mistaking me with someone else :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve only posted an old screenshot from A Plague Tale way back when I opened this thread.

uhhhh could be :smiley:

jep it was @PCPrincipal you even spoiled the end lol

LOL. :grin:

Yea. Agree. Next-gen version is going to be lit. Won’t touch PC level but regardless its going to look insane and maybe till then re-tool the engine a bit and sort out the technical issues, or else I might have to wait a little longer.


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Game is The Last Dead End and it is the xbox version.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: the puzzle is to figure out which button to press

Gears 2 on the Series X


There are a lot of great pictures here!

All taken on Series X.


Jedi Fallen Order:

The Medium:


Does this look too blown out?

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