For sure, a handheld or hybrid would appeal to me more if they’re going this route. I just hope they can find a way to carry over xbox library to it, and I would be fine in this scenario
This statement is much better than the wishy washy statement from last time. I’m sorry but nobody believed this bullshit statement of “just a test”.
I think it’s very important for Xbox to keep its previously multiplatform IPs really strong. The is a chance that making them exclusive fades interest overall and risking the future of the IP. In this current scenario I would like them to invest in XGS further so there is a better balance between exclusive and multiplatform. Further acquisitions should be easier too, and they will acquire more in the future, closing down a few studio today doesn’t change that fact.
The future of gaming is in flux, no one knows for sure what will happen, if handhelds become more popular, cloud starts taking over etc. In the mean time Xbox needs to remain as strong as possible for whatever is to come.
If the future is cloud, and Xbox remains in a strong position, they can literally make all game exclusive again in a flip of a switch. It wont matter that doom was available on PS5, when in the future with no hardware, you have to subscribe to Xbox Gamepass to play it. So, in that timeline you will have multiple strong IPs now exclusive with a low barrier to entry, aka just like subbing to prime or Netflix today, with Xbox having the best library and value.
"Buy an Xbox if you want to play gamepass games locally.
If you don’t want to, then all our games are on PlayStation. Bye!"
I have no problem with games going to other platforms to ensure I continue to get an absolute boatload of games on my Gamepass subscription at a bargain price.
There was zero clarity for either Xbox owners or other platforms. I suppose the only thing (which we already knew) is as a Xbox owner, you remove the guesswork around whether or not you can play the game day one.
His statement could mean any number of things
- Whole slate/everything is multiplatform
- Select titles like Call of Duty, Doom, Diablo, Elder Scrolls, etc. will be multiplatform, everything else exclusive (new IP, core Xbox franchises)
- He leaves it up to the studios (Marty wanted Doom everywhere, Todd may prefer to focus on Xbox/PC for Elder Scrolls/Fallout)
I really don’t mind games going multiplat. As long as it’s still worth it having a XBox console and Gamepass I’m all for it. And I think MS will make sure of that as well.
The way I look at it is Xbox has so many first party studios between XGS, Zenimax and ABK that they could literally make half of their output exclusive (plus all of it on Game Pass) and would likely still have more exclusives than PlayStation. The issue for me is this continued lack of clarity around exclusives continues to fuel the narrative around “Is this going to PlayStation?”
For six hours today, Twitter was dominated with positive Xbox talk about the showcase and the games. However, after Phil’s IGN interview, it’s back to the speculation of “Is this coming to PlayStation?”
Agree 100%.
They could have easily set expectations by saying that Xbox Game Studios games will be exclusive but Bethesda and Actiblizz games would be multiplatform and all those games are included on Gamepass. And everyone would have been happy. Or happier at least. They could even have said that occasionally an Actiblizz and Bethesda game would be Xbox only.
I honestly think that for Xbox fans, I’m not sure how much worse this could have played out.
It’s clear there will be more multiplatform games, that’s not in doubt. The lack of certainty is where the line is, if there is one.
But that doesn’t change the games on Game Pass, on XBox/PC (and likely far in advance of other platforms, if at all). The games are there. Go nuts, or don’t.
In other news, this interview is a puff piece.
Sounds like I’m going to continue my (slow) shift over to PC then.
The best way to go about it is to play on Game Pass and only buy Play Anywhere titles that would also definitely be available on PC for a long time to come. That’s my plan anyway.
When even the most negative (about Xbox) accounts on Twitter say they loved the show…well, nuff said.
I can’t help but feel that this should have been Xbox several years ago, when people were deciding whether to get PS4 or Xbox One. Because how would things have looked now for them had that been the case? We might not have had Phil saying “more of our games will come to other platforms.”
Which I’m still not a fan of at all, but what can ya do.
Yes, my main takeaway from this whole situation has been that the acqusitions started 5-10 years too late.
Yep. And Phil said it a while ago too. They lost a extremely important generation with last gen.
These comments just prove, once again, that it’s impossible to please certain Xbox fans.
If you’re wondering why Microsoft is going after new markets at the risk of alienating a minority of these so-called “fans,” this discourse should tell you all you need to know.
It’s going to be interesting watching console warriors on both sides deal with this shift in the industry. Extremely difficult to pick holes in the competition if they are releasing games on your box.
console warrior: “I hate your dumb box. I’m never buying it and will just get your games on PS instead”.
Phil “Hey, look at the photos from my latest snowboarding holiday you paid for. Thanks!”.
Console warrior: “…”
Sony increasingly do this too. We’ve already seen them testing the water with some recent games. They might even WANT to release more games on Xbox too but have a fanbase to placate first. So gently does it, with things like PC/Switch releases.
Yeah its interesting to watch, because the shift is basically forced to talk about the games. Im not going to pretend to know where the industry is headed, but its people (hardcore fans on both sides) seem genuinely lost.
With the next Xbox seemingly having an open app store and the ability to play all of Sony’s first party games, list wars and fanboy nonsense are going to be even more pathetic and meaningless than they already are.
I think i should chime in, as an xbox only user.
While this sucks and i did massive complains already to some friends who share the same dread.
I do see the point, i think the teams are looking for a bit of short term profit to exceed the purchase of Activision/Blizzard is what i perceive from this whole thing. But, here’s the thing that i think the folks at Microsoft are ignoring, in favor of of other platforms how on earth to you plan on keeping your dwindling audience for the next hardware? The longterm ramifications are there and i do plan on buying the next Switch if every single game goes to others with no benefits whatsover for its own userbase.
This is my point of view, not being a dick about it. I just think this whole can really backfire if they start to ignore their own audience which to me feels like they are at the moment.
However, i do have stress one thing. I can see that the majority of the games going platforms are the ones that already have a presence there in first, especially with the fact they have a buck load of ip with a presence on other consoles, which i do not see changing.
However they do need to keep stuff that are part of the brand for decades as exclusive, cause doing otherwise well i fear for the outcome cause i do not think the Microsoft higher ups would not be prepared for what that would erupt to and could be very costly.
For new ip, i do think some should be exclusive as a way to build a fanbase around PC and Xbox, does not have to be massive AAA titles but stuff that could become that in the future.
Sorry for the opinion. I thought it would be for the best to let myself talk about these things as i fear i could be jumping the gun.
Also, Phil should really read the room like he has to remember he has a massive audience on the console ecosystem so him saying that without much clarity is only gonna make things unbearable to the point that i think leaving twitter is the best option.