The Big ol' Xbox 3rd Party Releases Discussion Thread (HiFi, SoT, Pentiment, Grounded) (Part 1)

I fail to see how that would be considered a console then. This is just a regular pc with extra steps.

It’s an Xbox console that can access the windows kernel to run stores/games. It’s still an Xbox console by default.

I just wonder why would Microsoft allow other stores in their system? It would just steal their 30% cut from game sales.


Dudes used to say the same about my Xbox One being able to play 360 games. They werent actually 360 executables because they were converted to X86 and that meant the games weren’t actually backwards compatible…i said to him, the result supercedes the means.

If a store is allowed, then they have an agreement. That means a small cut of everything purchased on their system.

Do you think LG/Sony/Samsung don’t take cuts from the movie/streaming services that sell movies?

Phil already said, they could see a future where the hardware cost is so large that a 30% cut wont cover it. They’ll just sell a $900 console at profit …will people buy it? Well they might if it plays Xbox, pc, and Playstation games with free online.

My point is: If this Xbox/PC is sold at a profit, why not buy an actual pc then?

One of the best things about consoles is their cheaper price. If they end up costing the same as a pc why not buy the PC that can do everything that the XBOX/PC hybrid can do and more.


No idea. Some of use like hand carved furniture and others buy ikea. Buying a PC isnt taking you out of Xboxs realm, i doubt they care either way. Lets face it, buying an Xbox with Windows is no different than buying a laptop. Its just another sale.

Yeah, that’s my point. I’m not doubting that it will happen, I’m just saying that, at that point, it won’t be a console anymore. It will just be a PC with a Xbox skin.

It would probably be a Windows 11 pc with the specs to run AAA games and a Xbox branding slapped on it. It wouldn’t be any different from your average pc.

Can you blame them emotions are on the high again.

Like I said they build a strategy that makes that make sense first. In my view what I see is different. If the consoles adopt a PC like structure that is available on every device, then exclusives will make no sense. Right now PC players have the choice of playing their games on any of the storefronts even exclusives to the Epic Game stores are not a barrier to the players. To me the idea is more like building a digital platform that you can take with you and access anywhere anytime. As for the experiment it is to gain understanding on how or what to build that will make the strategy and platform work.

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I can only speak for myself here but if the next Xbox has Steam I would only use that to get games that are not on the Xbox store. Achievements and Game Pass will make sure of that.

On the flip side if having Steam on Xbox attracts people who would otherwise never have bought an Xbox because they see it as appealing, then that’s a plus as some of those people might end up getting a game from the Xbox store that’s not on Steam (like the upcoming GTA6 which will be huge).

I think this could work better than most people believe.

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Then let them keep their games on their platform. Steam has over 50 thousand games and many of them never even come to consoles. I doubt more people will be shifting to PlayStation or Nintendo in light of this. Nintendo might get by but I think their time is numbered. Sony in their new corporate meeting seems like they may be shifting in the same direction as PSN is what they say their focus moving on will be and not consoles.

I think the idea would be to expand the market by allowing other manufacturers in. This way LG, Samsung and many will come in and Microsoft will supply the software powering and operating the unit much like windows. Once that start the console market will grow as many millions as possible of Xbox powered hardware is released all over the world. I’ll also give it 5 years before you begin seeing Gaming TVs powered or running native Xbox software that plays games natively.

I’m still honestly trying to figure out how Halo being on PS5 would benefit me. Or Sony basically being handed the consoles space, I am very sure that doesn’t benefit me ( or Sony’s own customers for that matter.


The people on other console platforms were not subscribing to GP with the release of Halo, FH, Starfield, etc. So Doom isn’t really going to do it lol

I was referring more to the notion of them just releasing everything on PS, rather than just Doom.

Guys, as long as MS has COD, Minecraft, Fortnite, Roblox etc. most of Xbox’s current customers aren’t leaving the platform.

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I mean, all their games are also releasing on Gamepass, you know, for the millions who are already subscribed.


Last post!

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