Tencent and Guillemot family considering Ubisoft Buyout

Just imagine the hate the Xbox would get for ruining Ubisoft (even though they were going to ruin themselves).


Maybe they would never have been interested anyway but Iā€™m glad this wasnā€™t a few years ago before they got ABK

If there was one publisher I wanted xbox to avoid getting it was Ubisoft


For those interested in the cloud rights.

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Can you post the final 3/3 follow up post too?

Silly Twitter platform makes it impossible for those without an account to see what they are. ā€“ such a worthless platform unless you give up your data.




I just donā€™t like what Xbox became after the ABK buyout. One could well be wrong, but if Xbox had bought Ubi instead of ABK Xbox would never have needed to make any concessions to the CMA and all of Ubisoft games would be up on Gamepass right now

While the ABK is so big weā€™ve had concessions over cloud, Xbox games coming out on other platforms and not all of ABK games up on Gamepass they must be reasons for that that are either monetary to help pay for the deal or concessions to get the deal approved

Sure, itā€™s great business but as Iā€™m not a shareholder in Microsoft that means little, but I guess it helps pay for the console side.

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100% agree, if does feel like ABK killed part of Xboxā€™s soul.

It felt like there was so much momentum, with new exclusives, hardware and software and then ABK happened. Not that itā€™s still happening but itā€™s definitely slowed down.

I suspect your right, the Ubisoft games would likely already be on GamePass, instead here we are almost a year later and weā€™re still waiting for ABK games. Ubisoft have released so many games that GamePass would be dripping in first party content right now.

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Damn not Tencent literally anyone else. Hopefully Ubisoft bounces back with their future releases.

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There is no world where buying Ubisoft makes more sense than buying ABK. Their games being on GP by now sure isnā€™t a good argument either.

I agree that it feels like Xbox changed afterward, but from a pure business perspective ABK makes more sense 100/100 times.


Yes, my reply was more in relation to what Xbox become post-ABK.

I already mentioned that ABK made more sense above :wink:.

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