Still waiting on that Xbox Next Gen wow moment

I agree in a lot of ways and maybe I’m the one who’s off on what a next gen “wow” moment is. Though I honestly think whoever wasn’t impressed by games like Ryse were mostly trolling. I was very negative on the XBO reveals, presentations, and launch but even I was blown away by Ryse. True we didn’t get much in the way of next gen gameplay, and I’m not even sure I’d consider Horizon that lol, but graphically there was plenty to be impressed by on both platforms at launch.

As with most things, I’ll reserve my final Judgement until I’m playing it on my TV, I just hope they have something exciting up their sleeve that we don’t know about yet.

I doubt they have something up their sleeve for launch. I’m sure we have seen what their launch lineup will consist of. I’m sure we have actually seen all the titles for both company’s launch lineups and they seem to line up generally with how most console launches go. Nothing spectacular, but decent titles. My own personal love for Halo not withstanding.

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Oh I’m not saying for launch but later. I agree that we know their launch plans pretty well outside of the full line up and prices. I just want a taste of something impressive running on the Series X.

Yea, we aren’t gonna see anything that will wow us until next year in my opinion. Though Hellblade is on some crazy shit that did wow me.

Yep as others here have stated, the big mic drop moment would be them dropping the multiplayer paywall, if they decide to do so.

Sony’s mic drop moment in 2013 was the 100 dollar price advantage, if there’s going to be another similar moment it’s not going to be with a single video game.

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Exactly. There is no “WOW” moment to make you buy Xbox Series X. Xbox strategy has been pretty clear for some months already (if not a year): options/choice inside their platforms: Xbox/Windows (native) or mobile (through streaming).

I haven’t seen anything gameplay wise from either console that’s blown me away graphically TBH. People act like Sony has been showing all this crazy stuff for PS5 but other than R&C( which doesn’t look like a huge leap either) I haven’t seen much. I still believe Covid has a lot to do with this , especially seeing as how some studios like Ninja Theory for example rely heavily on motion capture and as I understand this situation makes these kinds of things a lot harder to get done.


I understand why people think this is a negative but it really isn’t especially in a year where the global economy is up the crapper there will be a section of the market that finds a low barrier of entry very palatable.

I do understand that the wider gaming audience has been “conditioned” for lack of a better word into needing justifications as to why they need to purchase a thing day 1 but really in the 2020s the gaming enthusiast landscape shouldn’t need to be so insecure about it


I would say this is even more beneficial because in some markets the economy will struggle for more than a year. And people need to start taking into consideration this kind of stuff in a more global view, less US-centric - depending on the market/country, the console price, when released, is pretty much prohibitive (any console), like in mine (Brazil).

You already got the most important wow moment. That was the specs.

The foundation for next gen Xbox is already amazing.


This is exactly what I am thinking. Perfect setup for a new generation, the big wow moment games are on the way and people won’t believe they just get them with GamePass.

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I’m not sure if there is really ever gonna be a “wow” or “Mic Drop” moment, at least not depending on what is being looked for. Like if one means “That moment that made you decide on getting a new xbox” then I feel that was always gonna be a slow boil and has been one not just now but over the past 2 or so years with gamepass , game announcements, etc and also can’t fully come without prices. If one means “that moment that made you or your friends decide on a Xbox over the other guys” I don’t think that’s ever coming , cause Microsoft isn’t aiming for that and I even feel their moves, especially xcloud, their pc initiative and even lockhart (and potentially no paid online) have made it easier than ever to justify multi-console ownership (which is higher than ever). If one means just a genuinely exciting and impressive moment, really I think the times those happen best with new systems is actually a year or so after launch.


The Initiative is still working on the wow moment…


A mic drop moment is really hard to do. It has to be unexpected so secrecy is needed. We got one at the Game Awards. The UE5 demo was one, that took over 10 years of research. Fable at the end of the July show would have been one, but it was the games industry worst kept secret. Now everybody expects Microsoft to drop the paywall, so how can this be a mic drop?

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I think if this and ever wild were shown for the first time at the July event, some people would’ve rated the show higher in all honesty.

Also with how much better battletoads looks now, that should’ve been in the July show too imo.


The only game thus far, no matter by whom, that let my jaw drop.

I really hope MS gives a date for the release on XSX soon!

The most next gen game right now is flight simulator Asobo are a masterclass in the rendering of literal worlds now with the whole earth being simulated. Also they are first developer to make use of cloud tech for a large benefit while still offering an offline mode.

I would imagine it’ll run on the XSX at ultra settings though maybe not necessarily 4K native.

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Yup if they showed that Hellbalde 2 trailer from TGA at the July game show it’ll probably would’ve been the best thing seen at the show. Can’t wait for HB2 honestly, looks nuts already haha.

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I’m really hoping for better puzzles and more interesting combat, I really want to like the new hellblade game :slight_smile:

Have to be honest, I dropped the first game and haven’t been able to bring myself to finish the first game sadly :frowning:

I think I got my expectations up way too high after all the glowing reviews and what people were saying about the game online. & I really enjoyed ninjas theories prior 2 games DmC and enslaved.

I may give it another go sometime before hell blade 2 lands.

To an extent. They’ve still made and marketed the worlds most powerful console. They’ve done that to sell it. And they need to stay relevant in the console space for now. It’s where their games supply comes from currently.