Starfield |OT| You're Finally Awake... In Space!

“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”


Well, with Jason now apparently saying he’s legit…probably I guess.

I still don’t get his comment about how the team will try their hardest to hit 11-11 though, sounds like development potentially isn’t yet where I thought it was. And maybe it’s just me but I don’t think it falls in line with what Todd has said on multiple occasions. I’m probably reading too much into this.


I understand the principle but there is evidence they worked at Bethesda.

Edit: They are claiming they left BGS last week but there seems to be an agreement they did work at Bethesda on 2020. Everything after that is a question mark. But I fail to see the point of lying about leaving last month rather than in 2020.

The only evidence I’ll aceept as real evidence is a real name, a profile, an actual work verification channel… you know, the bare minimum of verification.

Jason Schrier corroborated that they were an employee at Bethesda in 2021. It’s hardly damning, but there’s reason to believe this person could know things without jumping to a yes or a no.

If you mean this

That said, I can confirm that this poster was legit

Does Jason here confirm they’re a legit Bethesda employee or legit about dismissing Starfield being a 2021 game? We don’t know.


Also isn’t it weird that he doesn’t like Bethesda games much, yet worked for BGS? I mean we don’t have the information on exactly what it is he did there, but would you really work on games that you personally don’t really have any affinity with?

Not necessarily.

For all we bestow on developers that they are all about unleashing their creativity etc, for some it is just a job to earn money to put food on the table.

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Yeah, you’re right. Maybe he was just looking for a job in game development and got an offer or applied to Bethesda to grow as developer and then move to something else, not necessarily having a real affinity for their games. Not like Howard has for example.

This, devs aren’t some holier than thou people, this is a job at the end of the day. Devs can be fanboys/girls themselves and partake in console wars just like any other person.

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Jason Scherier has provided another update. I will send the Reddit post to avoid linking and posting too much about OtherEra.

However it does seem like Starfield might actually be in a really good place. “Overabundance of content” to the point where they will have to cut some and they can if they need to get the game out before November 11th. Everything that Hevy008 was saying was subjective and they admitted that themselves, they said if you like Bethesda games you’ll probably like Starfield.

The hype train continues!


Overabundance of content

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What do we think is going to be the big opening moment, that makes jaws drop?

The equivalent of seeing the wasteland in Fallout 3

Im thinking it will be seeing the Planet Earth from your ship.

They said we’ll get mulitple ones so I think one of them will be the first space jump

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Hopefully that content can be kept for DLC or expansions or better yet, let it stay as it is, if possible.

Would be interesting to know what content was cut. It is not like they cannot add it later. Would be sad if some working systems were thrown away. Considering the old leak by 0dah, I wonder if modders will recreate Skyrim map on some of the planets. Especially if modders will be able to create their own planets.


One thing is for sure, we’ll have a full

This november.

Starting with third person exploration and switching to first person in combat

Well there’s a shitstorm now because Jason says Skullzi’s info is incorrect, but even Nick said he heard the same.

The info on TES VI, remasters, Quake? I don’t think Skullzi had Starfield info did he?