Starfield could be the best game ever made - it won't change how this industry talks about Xbox

Xbox owns the IP, Private Division has full publishing rights on the first release (and no future ones)


I feel with the XSX gen its still fairly early. Trust I was furious with the Redfall and Infinite issues and was getting inpatient with Xbox, but to me Starfield is the REAL test, which is why I feel the media isn’t inaccurate when they say a lot of pressure is on Starfield, because it is LITERALLY Xbox’s first biggest AAA new IP since GEARS OF WAR… Stop and think about that for a moment ppl.

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The media isn’t saying “there is a lot of pressure on Starfield” they’re making bad faith arguments that it’s some sort of last ditch effort by Xbox for clicks. They ( gaming media )don’t get the benefit of the doubt, ever! Starfield was coming out either way whether Xbox bought Bethesda or not. If by some weird out there chance that Bethesda all of a sudden forgets how to make a great rpg despite their years of experience making them, Xbox will still keep trucking along and other big games will come.


This double standard existed for SEGA and they did much, much better when it came to first party software.

It has nothing to do with the games. Bias isn’t rational and it can’t be explained away (or justified).

This bias existed when Xbox was doing much better during the 360 days. People just kept it to themselves more often because it would be unpopular amongst the wider public.


I’m sorry: I absolutely do not care enough about people shitting on the Xbox brand lmao. I’m not making money off of it, it’s not of my interest to police it. “Gaming media bias” is an end result of the steady decline of western news media and a wholly different discussion that I’m not willing to have words to share on it rn lmfao.

Again nothing sik said is necessarily wrong: in fact it’s all very much right. People define Xbox as doing better as succeeding in launching megabudget fuckhouses bc that’s what most normal people want lmao.

Just opt out of the discourse!

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Excluding Spacer’s Choice Edition, I actually agree with you. Like with Sony in regards to PlayStation, I expect the best Xbox Series games to come from Microsoft’s internal studios. I always put the hardware manufacturer’s at a higher level because it’s their platform and if they don’t give you the best, why would anyone else?

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My friend, you’ve had a lot of words to share with me on this very topic. This is the third response you’ve had to me on this topic.

No one is talking about s******* on Xbox. I clearly stated I don’t care when people do that. To some extent I find of the trolling entertaining because I don’t take any of it personally. And I never stated that I engage in that. You sort of pulled that out of thin air.

This thread has been (and I have been) talking about gaming media bias.


So this part is… wrong? I dunno, I suppose it depends on how you define “normal”.

If by “normal” you mean the people who spend hours online like us, then aye we want those big budget narrative heavy games.

Or if by “normal” you meant the casual audience that actually makes up most of the gaming market, it seems they want Fortnite, Forza Horizon, Minecraft, Roblox, GTA Online, etc.

Of course there’s an overlap there, and yeah every so often a narrative focused game succeeds immensely, but just as often a smaller title ends up with tens of millions of players and is a massive success.

Xbox has had a fair bit of the latter and is aimed to release the former in just a few months.


I don’t know about the industry as a whole, but I personally know two people who will buy a Xbox Series X because of this game. Mind you both would have preferred a new Elder Scrolls game, but I do believe Bethesda will help Xbox get people to look differently at Xbox and in a better light.


Yes that’s what I meant by normal.

If Xbox did have the latter I would like to see it honestly, because the last few releases for the past couple of years have been things that serviced enthusiast niches (which is the shit that I honestly want and prefer, more stuff like Pentiment and multi-million dollar fuckhouses made by 20+ different developers and contractors.)

One thing is for sure if this Last of us factions debacle happened to MS gaming media would go in for the kill. Like it or not, MS end up shipping a fun SP campaign plus an underwhelming MP in Halo infinite.

Naughty dog has nothing yet they get off the hook.


To be fair, The Last of Us has horse ball physics. And you expect them to have MP as well? :smile:

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Gears 6 will do more damage if it ends up with total package again like previous titles.

What do you mean by this? By full package do you mean with story, horde, PvP, and a maybe fourth mode like it usually does? If yes, I kind of agree. Gears should decouple it’s story and PvP multiplayer components into separate games. Maybe let the rumored Marcus Fenix Collection take care of the PvP scene for a while. I think that would improve the critical reception of the story mode (because more time is spent on it) significantly.


Exactly. Xbox games, say what you what, do bring the total package.


Well Rockstar had horse balls AND horse shit physics and still managed to have MP! :wink:


Got you there, friend.

u got it buddy


I don’t care what anyone says exclusive content matters. I’ve seen many PS only people say they would purchase a Series X if Starfield is a hit. I still can’t believe Microsoft/Xbox owns the Elder Scrolls IP. I always said on the otherEra that Elder Scrolls is Xbox’s Joker card. But yea Starfield is 100% changing the reputation of Xbox. I bet $100 on it…

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Sorry but Im gonna have to call BS here. It’s not conspiracy theory. There are too many examples of media bias all over the internet. It’s dull and boring at this point.

What DOES get old however is how many still want to try and sweep media bias under the rug as if people are disillusioned or mentally decapitated. The last of us multi player just got delayed. The Sony show is suddenly, SONY WAS HOLDING BACK!"

Gimme a break, man. Seriously. Yet, you don’t hear how Sony is mis managing their studios or any doom and gloom.