I don’t even mind the loading between planets that much, it’s the loading when you’re already in an area, in a ship sometimes, that’s really jarring. Sometimes there’s loading when an area is literally already loaded for some reason, in New Atlantis you can get up on high roofs and traverse between the sectioned areas and make your way to the ground seamlessly but if you’re in the ground normally you have to go through the tram and elevators with loading screens, I don’t know what that’s about but really hope they can clear that stuff up. Even if they’re 1 second loading, it’s not the time it’s the seams that disrupt the flow of your play.
I don’t mind planet to space and vice versa, but I do hope with shattered space they are able to improve space flight so I can fly around in a system, or at least from a planet to a moon.
Its already technically possible (just takes a very long time) but if they can make that space trek with the Bethesda magic of encounters spawning along the way.