Senua's Saga: Hellblade II | Preview Round Up

I like the fact that Senua’s Saga Hellblade 2 will offer very different fights from what we are used to seeing in video games here the fights will be slow, Senua is a human, the sword she carries is heavy and that will be felt in the gameplay.

Senua is vulnerable, she suffers with each attack from the enemy, we can see her touching her jaw after a blow to the face or checking that she is not bleeding after a bite in the neck, always with facial expressions that show her pain and his cries

We also learned that the fights will be one on one (realistically a human like Senua could never manage 2 draugr at the same time) a one on one fight is already trying for her.

To see how it will be introduced in the game but they seem to be fighting against other characters in the background they don’t seem to be waiting their turn stupidly without doing anything and that’s a detail that I find pleasant.

What stands out to me compared to other games is really Senua’s vulnerability, even with a perfect counter, she is driven by the force of the blow, she cannot roll endlessly, she places her hand on the ground when she wants to get up

she gets thrown to the ground, she gets climbed on top, she gets pushed around… when she does long combos we see that she’s losing her breath. The quantity of animations just for the fights is mind-blowing, it’s goldsmith’s work at this level So I think we might not like the combat system which probably won’t be very fun but one thing that can’t be taken away from it is that it’s unique it’s unlike any other game I’ve played previously it is truly a work with an author’s vision

to see in addition how the fights will be articulated with the furies (voices that Senua hears in her head) and all the binaural audio with the songs of Heilung. I think Hellblade is this new form of media that breaks the boundary between gaming and cinema


Yep, same here.

Definitely thought the team under Xbox would grow a lot in manpower and while I never expected it to be their God of War, nor does it need to, I did expect it to be significantly longer and some big changes, compared to 1. Still, six to seven hours is not bad, what matters most of the experience and how memorable it is.

I would love if they make something like DMC or Enslaved again. Doesn’t need to have Hellblade 2 graphics, just good enough. I miss those kind of games. Enslaved especially was great. And it probably wouldn’t have to take as long to make as Hellblade 2 either.

"In my book this could be the best looking UE5 title out there when it releases on May 21st which is no small feat "

This game is a true technical showcase. Can’t wait.

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This would of been the perfect game to launch the Sebile controller with.


I honestly thought that was going to be the idea because I want that new controller like yesterday. I am now holding out hope on it releasing alongisde the white Series X.

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Yeah, I think it’ll be something they end up saving for the next Xbox in 2026.

Just a request and it ain’t my forum so feel free to ignore, but, DF stuff always generates a certain kind of chatter that I would rather not read in the games OT.

There is a DF thread where this is being discussed so could we keep DF/resolution/bias chat to that thread please as I know a lot of people purposefully stay out of it as it can be quite negative.


Yeah, OK, I get it. Sorry for that.

No need to apologise, it just means I can come here to get excited and go there to get depressed :slight_smile:

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10 posts were merged into an existing topic: Games Analysis |OT| Time To Argue About Pixels And Frames!

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I’m conflicted on whether I should use my soundbar surround setup for this or headphones. I know the dev themselves highly recommend headphones for the first one.

Headphones definitely they give a far more immersive experience than a even a good soundbar set up.

My wife struggles with gaming especially 3rd person like this and wanted to experience the mental health representation (for professional reasons) and so I did a playthrough with my 7.1 soundbar setup so she could spectate and while it was still gave a good experience it was no where near the experience you get with a set of headphones.

You’d think with speakers behind you and I think in your case even speakers at the side of your seating position it would be much more immersive, but I guess not, wow.

Headphones it is! Thanks man!

For anyone interested in the science behind the representation of mental health conditions in the game I’d recommend a watch of this. Some really interesting information presented here in an easy to digest way.

Don’t be scared by the 3hr timestamp as it seems to be a recording of the live sessions beginning to end (including breaks!). The Professor’s talk is only ~1.15 from the start.

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Exactly the same as the first game with not so much as a single headline (IIRC).

I wonder do the people spouting this stuff realise that for each different dub the entire audio would need to be re-recorded in the UK at NT using their audio capture kit? It’s even detailed in the interview. Not as simple as contracting a dub that can be recorded in a local studio and just mixed in.

1st comment on that thread also made me laugh.

“Lbox (sic) will do the bare minimum for non-American regions”

Wasn’t aware that the UK had become an American region but you live and learn :slight_smile:

Yeah, I ended up watching the whole thing after it was posted in @DeadlyHeadley article here on the site - surprisingly open & easy to understand, very interesting watch.

Re: The lack of Hellblade dub

I’d be curious to see a Venn diagram showing the overlap between those who complain about lack of localizations and those who say they only play JRPGs in the original Japanese.

Cause I suspect to a large extent there’s an overlap.