Sega Wants to Release More of the Atlus Game Catalog on New Platforms

None of those games are Atlus made games though which is what the topic is about.

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Doesn’t matter, Atlus will do whatever Sega tells them to do. They clearly see a market for their games outside of Playstation with how well Yakuza has done on Xbox

Hell Sega even blue balled Playstation by putting P4 Golden on Steam and not on the PS4

Dragon Quest is on Xbox so anything’s possible! I’d love P4 on my xbox!


Persona 5 Royal on Game Pass, do it!

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I really believe that 4 Golden and 5 Royal will come. Maybe even 3, I’m not sure how ugly that is my modern standards (I’ve never played any of these games).

Do you know Atlus? They seem to answer to nobody … it will be interesting to see what happens

Do you know Atlus? They’ll answer and do whatever Sega tells them to do. Not sure where you got this idea that Atlus is some kind of anomaly. Sega made them put Persona 4 Golden on Steam and blue ball the PS4.

You can read the title of the article itself… “Sega Wants to Release More of the Atlus Game Catalog on New Platforms” “Sega Wants” “Sega” “SEGA”

So no…Atlus doesn’t do what they want.

ahh I almost forgot

gonna grab that day one!