Oh??? I’ve missed this! I haven’t played a Persona game since the original. Or was it Persona 2 on the original Playstation? My wife hated it because the characters screamed “PERSONA!” far too often. She sneers and rolls her eyes whenever I watch a review or trailer for the newer ones. “[Something, something] sleep deprivation” (we shared an apartment so I had to play in our bedroom).

I’m mostly hoping for the Shin Megami games (especially the Nocturne remaster). But I’d be down to put on some headphones, provide the wife a sleeping aid, and try out the new Persona’s too!

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is this performed by The Singers Unlimited? haha love it. Acapella <3

Reminds me of the chorus in this. :musical_note:

I’ve done about three of these surveys and not a JSRF or Skies of Arcadia rerelease in sight.

I think I gave up on this years ago. Skies was so unique at the time. I remember (being a poor, unemployed injured-worker-in-re-training) spending HOURS on just the demo my eventually to-be wife had found for me on the Dreamcast (she worked OT to get us the console in the first place). She saved up and bought me the full game. I could not get enough of the ship battles. The rest of the game was fun, too. But I was addicted to the turn-based naval-battles-in-the-sky.

I hope Sega comes around to a turn-based remake or remaster. But I think the gaming community has moved on. Not looking at specific sales or engagement charts, it seems military and other first person shooters are frequently at the top.

Anecdotally, I know my kid and his friends don’t play anything that causes any kind of critical thinking or digestion of a narrative. It’s a sprint from one check point to the next in non-stop action. A far cry from when I let him play video games to begin with. I started him on smaller, text-based RPGs and made him read them to me out loud as part of his reading skills prior to kindergarten.