Say Hello to the XboxEra Forums

Hi all,

So is this site and forum made by Era (as in Resetera) mods or more like people that post(ed) in the big Xbox thread there?

Looking at the mod and member list I’d say the latter.

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That’s a good thing then. I can only applaud this.

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Hi brothas i like luigi

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We’re not linked to Resetera in any way whatsoever. And welcome.


Hello, thanks for building this for us


No, thank you for joining our community!


Thanks, appreciate the friendly gesture.

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Hello there. First off, thank you for making an Xbox-centric forum! While I have nothing against the other console (I own a PS4 & still need to get a Switch, lol) I have been primarily an Xbox user since, well, the OG Xbox. It is nice to finally find a place that is both geared toward my preferred platform & is staunchly against console warring.

Second, Xbox looks to have a bright future ahead (Psychonauts 2, Everwild, & Avowed all look promising) but, seriously, where’s my KI 4, Microsoft :sweat_smile:.


Happy to give this site a go. The gaming forums on the web at the moment are just so bad. One forum is Facist in pushing their social and political agenda down your throat, and the other while more open to diversity of political opinion is so focused on being an unofficial Sony forum that you can’t say anything pro Xbox or question Sony or your ban is not too far away. Hopefully this can be a place to talk about xbox and gaming in general, and leave the political BS out of it.

Well, I’m gonna disagree here. Interactive entertainment is an artform that pushes storytelling like films and television do. You’re never gonna escape from games becoming political. Art has always been used to encourage discussion on certain topics, or to satirize society. That’s no different in gaming.

Politics, the state our world is in right now and social structures are a great starting point for telling stories in interactive media. I think Tell Me Why, which is coming out in a few weeks, is an interesting example. One of the two protagonists is a transgender, but there’s more to the character than just that simple fact.

The best art is made with friction. As long as we don’t discriminate on race, sexuality, gender or religion we should all be fine. And within these set boundaries it can be very interesting (and a learning experience!) to discuss political issues or social issues in interactive media.

Anyway, I kept rambling on. Welcome to XboxEra!

Hi all

Glad to have found this place! I have a long history with Xbox but have spent this gen on PC, I’ve already decided to go back to console though and will be picking up a XSX for Christmas :grinning:

Looking forward to more positive discussion around Xbox compared to the last forum I was on.

I absolutely cannot wait for Halo and Fable!!


I think it’s best to ask this here.

Is there a way to multi-quote? I have been doing it but the way I do it is a hassle, haha.

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I’m not so much talking about a developer talking about making a game with certain characters. Its their creation, and the game will live and die on how good it is. I was more talking about politics and agendas on gaming forums. I’m sure most are aware what I am talking about. I remember one post where someone posted something like “do you think “insert game” is problematic with the way it portrays “insert racial group”?” Someone replied “No” and got banned for “downplaying racial concerns” or some shit. Thats what I am talking about. Games are for fun. Talking about games is about fun. Turning it into a cesspool of ideology that they demand you comply with is the opposite of that. There are lots of other places that are all about politics and conflict over that (Twitter etc) that you can take it there. No one would be happy if people put a religious bent on the forum and expected everyone to agree with their belief in the rapture, and all ideological views are the same.

The way I do it on PC is, I select the text I want to quote, which brings up a context menu. You can do this with multiple posts.

Might be something to look at, you could suggest it in the Support and User Guides section.

Just hit reply on each post that you want to.

Guess this is easier than my method. Haha. :smiley:

Ooooh, I had no idea. That’s great. You guys really got a great forum here, the features are nice and new. I haven’t seen some of this before.

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Hello there, I’m hoping to find out why I should invest in xbox this generation. I’ve been interested for a while and xcloud could be a game changer.

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