Ryse: Son of Rome as a potential franchise

I don’t mind Ryse coming back. It was a fun game. My only issue is that nothing is wholly unique about the concept where I think Ryse itself made by crytek needs to come back.

Where you could just as easily develop a new IP with a similar concept and theme and save yourself time and money if you are MS.

I also think Geographically where the some of the offices are located in the current climate could pose some issues. Such as China (Shanghai), Budapest, Germany frankfurt, ukraine (kiev) I know they have been closing offices over the past few years. But those are the locations I remember them having as of a few years ago.

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I wish that I could visit an alternative reality where the XBOX one stayed even with the PS4 for the generation, but those early XBOX exclusives still flopped, and see if the cult following around these games still occurred.

I say no, but I could be wrong.

Immortals Fenix Rysing


I totally agree. The game still looks amazing, the setting was really cool and the IP has potential but Son of Rome was such a boring and dull game, the combat was so basic and uninteresting that I never bothered finishing it even though I was at the end of the game. That being said If they decided to do a sequel and improve immensely the combat it could turn out great but if I had to choose an Xbox One era IP to come back from the dead it would be ReCore for sure.

From what I played from the earlier Xbox One exclusives I think that Sunset Overdrive, Killer Instinct & ReCore totally deserve the love and the cult following. I haven’t played Dead Rising 3 so I can comment on that though it is also a supposedly good game too.

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I’m all for games set in historic periods, even more if it’s a setting that hasn’t been that well explored such as Mesoamerican settings like the Aztecs or the Mayas. If Ryse is set (again) in a Nordic-themed or a Mediterranean region, I’ll be bummed out but these settings seem to sell very well regarding historic settings and themes.

I just don’t think Ryse does the trick or at least with Crytek at the helm. The story and characters just felt cookie cutter and not all that inspiring. The soundtrack did kick ass and the characters stand in the shadow of their respective voice-overs. I remember the king of Brittania having an amazing VO.


While I wouldn’t be against more games in it’s style, it’s a mediocre at best launch title on a console nobody liked, the IP has no weight

Creating a new IP that starts fresh but takes some inspiration from it makes more sense, no baggage of being a sequel to a game barely anyway cared about or even liked

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I think series has potential if it visits different historical periods like Assassins Creed.


Sequel success guaranteed if story has good written , adding a little fantasy + from cry engine with ray tracing + great gameplay with swords and shield less QTE

Yes, it will be a fierce competitor to gow

Ryse or dante inferno needs a sequel

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I finished Inferno last week and it is such a shame that there’s no game rendition of Dante’s Purgatory or Dante’s Paradisio. Not sure if EA still maintains the game rights, but hopefully one team every picks up that mantle.

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Let’s Hope :pray:t4:

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I want to play as Achilles or Hercules, I loved Ryse but as mentioned before it was rushed by Xbox and Crytek did what they could, I believe it was meant to be a connect game and got switched last minute.


I think the game was originally supposed to be a Kinect exclusive but Microsoft wanted it to be playable from the controller as well. And that’s the reason why the combat was repetitive and not as polished since Crytek had to rush things towards the end so the game could launch with the Xbox One. This video goes more in depth about what went on.

Which is unfortunate but Ryse is still a great game and hopefully Microsoft could find a way to make a sequel happen. But this time let Crytek work on it as long as they need to before the game is ready.


I keep every now and then playing a bit when there is some variety of reward challenge for the game, I’m just done with the 4th section of I believe 8. It seems like it’s interesting, but somehow limited. Not as responsive for changing which way I’m going to attack or defend as I’d like, and kind of like there’s mostly one approved method for certain enemies and if you attempt to deviate from that, it doesn’t like it. It’s OK, it’s good looking, but I’d like a little more agency in stuff like… Maybe being able to destroy a trap, throw a spear at someone other than the one person it let’s me target.

I’m definitely open to another title, but I want a little bit more from it I think.

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Ryse: Son of America.

Ryse: 서울의 아들

or 부산의 아들

MS wanted to buy the right to the IP from Crytek, but was turn down. The Ryse IP has ever since been not use and dorment. There are rumors of a Ryse Next, but i have my doubts about that.

We’ll get a new Ryse when we get a new Banjo Kazooie :joy:

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Are you suggesting a crossover between the two?


Rysejo Kazoo of Rome