Seems Watch Dogs Legion will support full Ray Tracing with Nvidia cards, and Microsoft’s DirectX Raytracing on Xbox Series X at launch. No mention of PS5 ray tracing.
Is this another the Medium type of mistake?
That’s what happen when you don’t talk enough about your console. People believe this is possible and not a mistake.
I tend to believe in a mistake, but who knows.
It’s probably just that Microsoft and Nvidia have advertising deals for Legion
For the time being I’d assume it as being part of a marketing deal until official clarification is given by Ubisoft regarding it. Should find out within a week or so I’d imagine.
This just feels like the Far Cry 6 ‘not 4K’ on PS5’ situation again.
It’s seems like it, but it’s probably just a mode on X locked to 1080p. So even if it’s cool, it is restrictive.
Theoretically this isn’t saying Ps5 won’t have ray tracing, it’s just confirming for SX and PC.
Seems more likely to be that they are just talking about those 2 platforms due Ms marketing, but then again, less than 3 months until the consoles launch, so it won’t take long to know either way.
Seems like it is pretty deliberate. With The Medium someone external to the studio/publisher was simply missing a logo on the store listing. Here, Ubisoft themselves appears to be directly saying it only has RT on PC/XSX.
Pretty shocking if true tbh. Kinda hard reading it any other way too. >.>
Does this game even have marketing partnership with Xbox though? Then again, might be an oversight like the Far Cry 6 resolution thing.
EDIT: I think it might just be marketing thing, like the Far Cry resolution. The studio behind Watch Dogs Legion (Ubisoft Toronto) has one of their artists talking up RT for generic next gen consoles here: Ubisoft and IOI Devs Talk PS5 Ray Tracing and What It Means for Artists
I’d doubt he would say that kinda thing if he thought only 1 of the 2 consoles could do it. But ya never know. EA said something about generic next gen GPU’s doing ML stuff but PS5 doesn’t have ML hardware…so maybe?
I don’t see how a marketing deal would affect if they can announce RT on a certain platform, we know for sure that marketing deals don’t stop one version looking better than the one they’re supposed to market. Insert RDR2.
It often stops a publisher from even acknowledging the other version’s existence. So not talking up RT on PS5 version might just be marketing.
Idk seems weird to do that because it’ll come out if it has it or not lol, honestly a all round weird thing considering people who buy the game won’t even know what RT is.
And Frontier confirmed Native 4K for Planet Coaster on Series X (also declined to comment on PS5 resolution)
at some point we have to stop using the marketing deal card
I would think if marketing were involved that prevented them from saying things about the PS5, they wouldn’t have mentioned it releasing for the system or that PS4 players get a free upgrade to the PS5 version. Working with a marketing team in the past, press releases usually go through multiple edits and approvals before being sent out to the press.
Maybe there are some baseline elements about the product’s availability on PS5 that they have to include, but just not technical aspects of the game itself? I dunno. It seems weird since we know there is a deal with AC, but now both this and Far Cry have had kinda suggestive statements (the Far Cry one didn’t last long though iirc). It is very odd.
Don’t worry, the SSD will fix that too!
I wonder if the variable clocks just makes it hard to have stable frames when RT is enabled.