Rock Band 4 on Xbox no longer requires 1000$+ adapters for drums/360 instruments!

Good news in the Xbox Rock Band front! A member of the Rock Band community, bookreader, has figured out how to bypass both the requirement to have the 360 Midi Pro Adapter ($hundreds) and the PDP Wired Adapter ($evenmorehundreds), and BOTH of these were required to use e-kits on RB4 Xbox until today due to MS’s rules about the USB ports.

Some quick backstory: bookreader created the “Roll Limitless” years ago for the Playstation RB4 players. This was to fix a bug with the PS4 (and 5) where there was a “roll limit” to drums due to how Sony set up how the console talks to stuff plugged into the USB ports. Since the PS3 never enforced security chips, and the PS3 instrument sandbox on PS4 doesn’t either, it was relatively easy for him to come up with a homebrew solution to fix this issue with a new piece of hardware.

This wasn’t possible on Xbox since MS required security chips on everything. PDP released a wired adapter years back to let people use e-kits, but due to MS requests Harmonix was forced to block wired RB1 instruments and wired GH guitars (namely the Xplorer) from working through it. Six years later, the Wired Adapter has finally been bypassed.

But wait, there’s more!

Since bookreader was already translating controller commands, the Roll Limitless on Playstation also could let you use Wii and Xbox instruments on Playstation. This feature is now possible on Xbox, so not only can we now use the Xplorer on RB4, you can also now use any Wii or PS3 or even custom built Arduino-powered PC guitars on RB4 Xbox! Xbox technically has the most instrument compatibility on Rock Band now due to this. If you want to use wireless 360 instruments on your Xbox without the Wireless Adapter (also in the hundreds now), all you need is a Windows Xbox 360 Wireless Adapter, which are cheap and plentiful.

But wait, there’s even more!

Since the Roll Limitless is supply component restrained (6 month to a year wait from when you order one due to chip shortages). bookreader has also released a guide where you can turn your computer or laptop into a giant Roll Limitless for only 30$ in parts that are readily available.

Get all the info from his RockBand community post:


Does that mean we can play games like the Artful Escape or Hi-Fi Rush using instrument controllers?

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OMFG someone should rig this up with an Adaptive controller. Not sure how it would work in combination with the movement, but it would be incredible.

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