It’s sounding like the Day One patch helped out in the ways they promised. I wonder what the performance metrics are like now.
Console has raytracing too? Disappointing it’s 1080p though, very much so.
Yeah, I don’t see much of a point in raytracing when it makes everything else look like shit.
It’s ray-traced ambient occlusion only. Not GI or reflections. If I’m not mistaken.
And just like that I had my first crash. I guess I should’ve knocked on wood
So is the gaming community negative on Saints Row? I was actually predicting this would be a big hit. After playing it for 10 hours I have to say it grows on you after the initial disappointment that this isn’t GTA6. I’m having a lot of fun with it. Changing my score to a 9.5/10
This made me chuckle, people have been saying exactly the same since the OG released way back.
Kind of fitting that a reboot would still cause the same confusion
SR was never intended to be a GTA, similar genre but different beasts always have been.
I am definitely in the enjoyment camp. Yes have come across some technical issues but nothing game breaking.
Finished the story last night and this is probably my GOTY so far. I can see what the negative reviews are getting at-- it needed more polish for sure, and if you are looking for a big leap over previous Saints Row gameplay this is definitely not that. I’m just having way too much fun tooling around the city in a tricked-out car, exploring, busting heads, and generally doing goofy stuff. I’ve been waiting for more of this since The Third and this game 100% delivers that.
It’s solidly in my top 3.
- MultiVersus
- Elden Ring
- Saints Row
It is very interesting to me how polarizing this games reception has been. I see many variations of hot trash to a semi-simplistic return to outlandish “fun.”
I am a fan of the second style of games (hence why I’m a Crackdown fan) so I will keep SR remake on my list.
I appreciate you and everyone else sharing non-professional opinions (in addition to metered prefessional reviews, too).
Me too (well the main part of the story anyway). So here is my updated bug report. In short I didn’t experience the can’t shoot bug again. And apart from that the only other ones I saw were infrequent and revolved around vehicles where passenger would drop out of car and end up sitting on floor.
The over the top vehicle physics did cause me a couple of problems with the repo missions but I think that’s a feature not a bug .
Excellent review.
It’s annoying to me that NOW you’re seeing people on social media talk about how they liked the superpowers from SR4 and wanted more of that. For freaking years all anyone wanted to talk about was how the superpowers sucked and they wanted SR3 back.
It’s got to be hell to be a game dev. The most vocal fans only want to talk about what you’re doing wrong. Then you do the opposite only to find out that they didn’t want that either.
This is true in project management, too. There is an industry saying: “once you give the customer what they asked for, you will finally learn what they wanted.”
Same for my stakeholders in my job, it’s pulling teeth to get them to tell you what they DO want, but they are extremely ready at a moment’s notice to let you know that what you’ve given them is what they DON’T want
I absolutely loved SR3 (and the remaster), I see this new version is on sale this week. Have the bugs been ironed out?