Review | Redfall

Hmm. I have a laptop with similar specs. I might fire it up on there to compare to my desktop.

You never know how PC graphics are going to scale and how much bling the higher settings add. So it is entirely possible it looks like crap at medium and looks great maxed.

I will say my PC looked and played WAY better than the series X. But I would have been shocked if it hadn’t considering the PC is brand new with all the latest and greatest hardware.

This one really sucks, they start talking to you and having a dialogue moments with both you and themselves ‘eventually’ but the first impression of just hmmm was really rather jarring.

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If this is true (I haven’t checked myself), then… yeah, we’re talking Aliens Colonial Marines level of WTFism:

So you wonder how lazy/rushed Devs were with RedFall? This is the start of the game, 10 seconds in … welcome immersion … NOT. This is in the same room, literally 20 feet from each others. : gaming (

A Chimney in the new game Redfall. : gaming (

No offense to the people enjoying this game (more power to you) but there is a basic standard to hit in the current market & this is not it. Especially for a first party title.


I installed it day one and uninstalled it about an hour later (after clearing the fire station)…which was my plan all along, as I just wanted to see the lay of the land for myself!

It’s poorly optimised for consoles (changing the default controller settings helps a lot), has weird graphical issues, AI is spotty, and the lighting/lack of shadows in places (indoors mainly), drags things down for sure.

It does actually play well enough though, in my opinion. 30fps was quite smooth, music was great, and the guns were pretty satisfying to use. The art for the outdoor environment looks great and the lighting definitely works well outside.

Obviously I won’t score it from the little that I played, but I had fun and did want to keep playing, just that I have a few other games I need to get out the way first, and Arkane will hopefully have the 60fps patch and other improvements out by the time I’m done.

the horror

These are easy issues to fix, with just a little bit of care & attention. Anyone who has done 3D art knows you model what people see & also reuse (kitbash), so when you get issues like chimneys with roof tiles visible beneath or the same corpse in the same room, it’s a straight-up easy fix.

This is simple stuff.

Yeah, my post was just in jest, I really don’t mind these kind of mishaps to be honest. I didn’t come across the chimney, but did remember seeing the body, but nothing jumped out at me as wrong, so perhaps didn’t occur in my session.

The game obviously needed more time and resources, but are we seriously going to be posting every graphical issue people come across? Seems excessive now, just move on.

It’s just a microcosm of the bigger issues affecting this game, i.e. we’re not just talking about massive huge problems but very small details which only require a little bit of attention & perhaps 15 minutes to rectify. The issues posted aren’t graphical glitches per se or code problems, they’re human errors (or scripting errors).

But you’re right in a way, i.e. everyone will move on. Just as everyone always moves on from these sorts of releases.

They should have gone with a fortnite style, cartoony cell shaded look for the game as it would have mitigated many of these issues…

There’s some AI quirks as well. I’m watching penguinz0 play this on youtube (he has 13 million subscribers, so ouch), and vampires don’t seem able to get around objects to reach the player.

He can legitimately hide behind a car or a box & the vampire just stands at the other side taking swipes at thin air.

I hate when people call it “lazy devs”. It’s so disrespectful to the people working their butts off.

It’s most definitely due to time constraints.


Is it? I worked in the indusyry as a 3d environment artist for 11 years. Would love to discuss it with you…

Might need to take it to DMs or discord. Irrationally triggered by these expert opions…



Xbox (& its long time fans) deserves better than people sugar-coating this sort of release. So no, I’m not offended when people call Redfall ‘trash’.

And sorry for replying to a post you’ve deleted but this Redfall situation will need to be addressed by Xbox going forwards. It’s not possible to release something like this & expect it to improve console sales or Game Pass subs.

Take a flat geometry plane with a basic shader & block out the tiles beneath so they’re no longer visible.

Take corpses from other areas in the game & make sure the exact same models aren’t positioned next to each other.

Yeah, I’ve done quite a few hours in Maya so no, it’s not ‘complicated’.

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Im glad you were able to export a collision plane out of maya (material tag nit a shader but okay). Lets talk more out of this thread and compare hey?

You need to find another cause to fight for.

Arkane are a first party Xbox dev, not amateurs.

Im not fighting a cause. People do not like redfall. I think its fair enough, i do not like people claiming ‘trash’ and ‘shit’ because they have used maya. Like somehow they forgot to tag c_chimmney as a gotcha.

It is gross. I will take it out of this thread though as it adds very little.

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Okay then. For the record I didn’t call it trash. I merely linked to a youtuber with 13 million subscribers who called it trash. There’s a difference.

And we might differ regarding what we define as ‘gross’, i.e. I think the $70 price tag is gross (80 euros in Europe).

But I’ve said enough. It’s just beating a dead horse at this point & it will soon be old news.

ah sowe’ve reached the point where we are calling devs lazy because we don’t like a game . gonna be lovely discussion.


Hate the term lazy devs, and time constraints are an issue. I hate the sugar coating though.

As a non gaming dev I’ve had this discussion with other devs both gaming and non gaming about this. Every project has a scope. Everything has time frames and time constraints. Hell even in college it wasn’t like I could turn in my projects weeks late.

A large debate came about how to handle dev praise or criticism. Without knowing the full details some of my friends said it’s disingenuous when a product is bad to just shit on the devs. Others also said, but this ain’t the land of participation trophies. Just an attempt ain’t what we are out here to do especially paid.

It’s also like devs know. The Redfall team knows. The guys and gals in the trenches know when the product isn’t up to par. I’m not saying there aren’t some products that come out to mix reactions which might throw some teams for a loop, but by a large they know.

I’ve made some great software over my life. I’ve also made some not so great to shitty software over my life. With a smattering in between.

When my software sucked or didn’t work out as planned I never felt like I needed to be coddled and an unnamed friend I was talking to about this last week who works for EA agreed. We also both agreed there is no need for people to get too personal with the insults.

When you’re asking people to pay for something though you understand people are gonna have reasonable (and I stress reasonable) expectations.


There’s a rumour going about that Xbox and Bethesda saw the game, saw how terrible it was going to be, and released it into the wild to die.

But, there is some constructive criticism in this thread, any one know how that could be passed on to the devs at Arkane Austin to work on?