Review | Forza Motorsport

I decided to skip on wheels last generation because I was cheesed that the thousands I spent on wheels, pedals, and wheel stands were not compatible.

So I need to find a good one for this generation because it’s now clear that they’re now making an effort for forward compatibility.

But yeah I am seeing the limits of controller play and would like to have a wheel. For example even on simulation, you can’t go full lock left or right at a certain speeds. In most cases you don’t want to do that, but on some hairpins and tight turns it’s needed.

Wheels are great.

I use this page for tuning


It is not just steering lock. The wheel really exposes how good the car physics and handling are. With the wheel you will lose control often and It feels so good! Also the feedback you get makes up for the lack of driving line.

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That’s good to hear because FM 1-4 had poor wheel support. It sounds like it was finally a priority. It may have been improved in FM 5 to 7 but I didn’t hear much about that.

Like I said I only want to play these sorts of games with a wheel and I’m surprised that I’m having this much enjoyment with a controller.

Wheel has much improved.

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I started this game last night (I usually wait a month or so for patches to fix stuff before playing new games), long story short: the gameplay on the Xbox controller is simply fantastic. And that’s an understatement.

I play with the minimum assists setting & level 6 difficulty. I was once an absolutely huge fan of racing games on console (original Gran Turismo, Colin McRae, all the WRC games on the PS2, Forza 2 on the 360, the early Codemasters F1 titles etc.) but then I bounced off them after I made a huge mistake: I got sucked into the black hole of gaming on a force feedback wheel with a stand (the Driving Force GT official GT wheel which I got with Gran Turismo 5).

I was good… but by the end I absolutely hated it, with a passion. It sucked the fun out of gaming & turned it into a chore which required actual preparation, homework & effort to set-up properly. It even felt weird as well (like an uncanny valley where the wheel gives some feedback but the rest of my body doesn’t get the same immersion like driving a real car would). I’d need to fork out thousands of $ to get a cockpit & better wheel to make it really ‘right’, but that would be… insane.

Basically Forza Motorsport had me addicted until midnight, which is really, really rare. Everything feels so good & detailed with the controller. I feel all the traction, loss of grip, understeer, all of it. It’s to car racing what Halo is to first person shooters in terms of sensations with the pad in my hands.

Oh & FYI the car levelling system is really a nothing burger in terms of the complaints: I’ve finished the intro series & done some races, my Ford Mustang is level 24 already. It levels really fast.

If you have to set up a wheel and pedals everytime you want to play, I agree, it is a chore. A cockpit is not for everyone. But I use my cockpit also as my gaming corner. And I cant see myself going back to controller. But I agree with you that it works very well with the controller.

I sold my Series X to buy a cockpit just because of this game :no_mouth:

That is true. Everytime I want to play Forza, I install the wheel on my desk, which is not optimal.

Im still playing this nearly every day.

No other racing game has nailed the car weight and tire momentum and weight shift that this game has. To me it is pretty much the perfect video game driving engine.

Its ruined most other racers for me. Im having a blast with FM.

The weight, sounds and feel of the cars is just amazing. I hope the next Horizon has a version of this driving model.


Have they fixed the issue with the game not saving correctly? I lost the progress of three races where I would finish a series. Quit the game, come back and the last race would show as not having been done and I would have to redo it.

I just started playing Forza 2 days ago and have had zero issues. Have played through 3 builder cups and almost completed 4th. Also played an online starter series.

No save problems, no graphical problems, no online lag. It’s been stellar so far, I guess the updates worked.

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