Review | Dragon’s Dogma 2

What’s the difficulty like, please?

I heard unlike the original that had difficulty levels it uses adaptive difficulty - which I’ve had mixed results with that though.

It looks impressive so I’m tempted to try it, but it’s a lot to pay if it turns out I suck bad at it lol

I never had much of a struggle, just upgrade your gear whenever you have the cash/items needed.


Great thanks :slight_smile:

God I love just picking people up and throwing them off a cliff. Fun times :laughing:


I find this to be infinitely more approachable than “souls like” games. Including Elden Ring. Unless I get ambushed by a large monster, I’ve had little issue. It can depend on your class, playstyle, and pawn build (and 2 spare pawn set ups).

If you take your time, prep for a journey (healing items!), enjoy your exploration, slow your pace (and listen for enemy audio cues!), I believe anyone with the patience to find a good build (and party) can approach the game without controller-breaking frustration. :grin:

(And I’m an aging gamer that dislikes overt stress and frustration in my games. :wink:)


Sounds good thanks, think I’ll wait for one or two patches to improve performance then jump in!

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I’m curious about the performance issues and asked a bit in another thread. I’ve been playing since release on Series X and found everything to be more than playable and enjoyable. I noticed some loss in animation fluidity in big towns, but the graphic fidelity (especially the draw distace including NPCs and monsters) makes that a fair early trade to me. Some times I have noticed a blur or fuzz around the edge of chatacters or buildings when panning the camera. But it has been less jarring to me than playing many 30 fps games (like the Witcher 3 before the X|S enhancements).

Digressing, it’s been my position for over a decade to wait for new games to receive stability patches (generally along with discounts). But I’m too much of a fan of Dragon’s Dogma. This one (so far) as well as the original.


Nice, do you have a VRR display? Mine isn’t, next one will be but thinking I’ll definitely be turning on the 30fps cap.

Sounds a positive experience so I doubt I’ll wait too long on improvement patches

I do have a VRR display, yes. :wink:

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Ah lol, it might be a performance patch or 2 for me then, unless my TV conks out / gets a slight knock over and I decide it’s time for a new one lol

Saw a clip of someone who had grown tired of a NPC, he picked him up and threw him in the river below the mountain. Love that kind of stuff, there’s something so satisfying about picking characters up and throwing them off heights. This was fun as hell in Saints Row 3 too.


“Clean” it thoroughly. Use a hose in the back drainage channels. Why are they there if not to facilitate the cleaning process! :face_with_hand_over_mouth::wink:

You can do this to some enemies, too! And if you dont wanna pick 'em up, hit them with a charged bow shot by a cliff edge!

Also, if you screw up and kill the wrong NPC, you can use a wakestone where they are collected (in the cemetaries/mausoleums).


One fun thing I like to do is when I switch party members and hire a new one, I pick up the fired guy and throw them off a cliff. Haha :joy:


I’ve seen a video recommending grabbing a wandering pawn and throwing them at an enemy for basically temporary ally.