Depends on why you didn’t like it. They reduced the loaading times (even more so on 1X), made the game performance more stable, and made adjustments on the end game to not make the optional towers required for beating the game (but you should totally play them if you liked the controls, because they are an awesome challenge)
Would change my 9/10 to an 8/10 after beating it. Great refreshing gameplay but story doesn’t payoff and there’s no build diversity in a roguelike which is crazy. After beating it the game really feels easy since you know what to expect. All combat is staying far away from everything and shooting as much as you can; 70% of all boss attacks can just be ran away from making them easier than most trash from the last two biomes.
Awesome experience but no real reason to go back. Could see myself picking it up randomly down the line once it feels fresh again, but it’s not a Hades-type game where it’s designed to make second playthroughs feel different.
Hmmm…so Grubb’s review was actually fair and honest ??
What’s the ending if you could put it in spoiler ? Did it make sense ?
Yeah I didn’t see his review but I saw his video talking about how he got backlash and his gameplay comments are right on the money for me. Can’t repeat enough that I think the gameplay is cool and novel as it’s a classic spaceship shooter arcade game brought into three dimensions in a very good way, it’s just that the roguelike nature of the game made them tone down the bullet hell which is supposed to be the appeal of the game. It’s a weird feeling to be genuinely in awe of all the fireworks a boss is spewing out while just standing in the back corner jumping over the one thing that gets to you while holding R2.
The real crux of the gameplay issue though is how you won’t hear people say “So I went for a build with this gun on this run and it was soooo different” because all the guns are super strong/cool, but they all come down to looking at the boss and spamming shots. You feel really cool with melee/shotgun against certain trash mobs but others you just want a laser beam to take them out easily from afar. It’s like Binding of Isaac if you always had the Devil buff that made your attack a red laser and it just got stronger each level.
The story has a lot of things I like (is fairly ambiguous, has lots of symbolism, takes risk, and isn’t scared to have no ‘good’ endings) but the ultimate conclusion is just kind of meh. This isn’t specific but does spoil it a bit - You wonder what everything means and find out its mostly from a singular tragic moment - which I just feel is overdone. A lot of the “multiple interpretations” is stemmed from the fact that certain words apply to both something related to a space mission and Selene’s personal life which isn’t super believable.
The two coolest parts of the story for me (direct spoiler here) are when you kill the third boss and escape, then die of old age many years later and wake up back in a new biome and when it is implied through documents that Selene never actually was an astronaut because she got a rejection letter. The first of those is a super cool groundhog day spin I’ve never seen before and the second is the closest the game got to a satisfying Dark Souls item description that makes you rethink a lot of things.
News Link about the issue:
What a shitshow, this really sucks =/
I feel bad for the devs of course, but this is pretty indefensible, especially at such a high price.
How anyone could be ok with this and still review it and give it high scores is beyond me. Technical issues and bad design choices should be reflected in review scores.
A serious lessen in bad design choices, EVERY modern game should have an in game mechanic to save your progress.
It is stupid to rely on resume mode for something like that especially when the PS5 resume mode is so buggy.
All these crashing and update issues could have been greatly reduced if the game was able to save it progress.