Quality of Life focused beta patch for Starfield hits PC next week


The scanner improvement is definitely something I have been wanting.

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Waiting on the ability to customize the MASS limit, Vendor Credits, City Maps and a few other things. Hoping by the time the Shattered Space expansion releases, this stuff will be patched into the game.

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Customizing mass limit and vendor credits sound like things you’ll probably need a mod for

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I hope it fixes the companions changing suits from time to time. Seeing your companion roaming around you in casual outfit on a planet without atmosphere is immersion breaking to me. It annoys me more than it should.

So, likely later in March for Xbox.

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Mods will sort all that out which will hopefully be coming the next next couple of months, well before the DLC drops

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I think BGS themselves said it was in the works as a base game setting for 2024.


Jesse nails it. Bethesda Game Studios said that they will allow customization for mass limit and vendor credit while also adding city maps and allowing new ways to travel (just want an ATV and I’ll be happy) at the end of 2023. This is why I decided against restarting Starfield. Figured that im better off waiting and having a better game experience.


If they can allow modders to take an empty planet and make it a fully dressed adventure, then many scenarios could arise and the game will improve.

Oh they did? Oh well cool then, the less modders need to do and is in the base game the better

Yeah I’m waiting myself, put in like 40 hours and enjoyed it but felt like id enjoy it much more by the time QoL stuff happened and mods started dropping

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Yeah, they announced a shit ton of stuff in their 2023 End of Year Update -

Where they say “first, we’re targeting updates”, it’s two paragraphs down. Customize carry capacity which is the MASS limit, vendor credits, ship damage, cargo access distance and a bunch of other stuff.

It’s why I decided to wait. I would prefer the expansion to get delayed into 2025 if needed and want them to work on all of these updates and whatnot first. Get this stuff set, then mods then expansion. At least, that’s what im hoping and would prefer them to do.