does japan have unions ? i think i read somewhere their anime studios mistreat their employees.
it’s problem on creativity field all together
does japan have unions ? i think i read somewhere their anime studios mistreat their employees.
it’s problem on creativity field all together
its fucking HORRIBLE in Japan lol, yeah that industry needs a massive cleanup too.
Can’t believe they don’t have one yet, they got Disney milking ass making 7 Marvel productions a year, these vfx guys must be exhausted.
Its especially funny because most of the stuff comes here to India as cheap labor, all the roto-prep stages especially. Selling artists here on how amazing it is to work on hollywood movies, but have shit pay in general. Its being outsourced this much precisely because they dont want to pay enough in their own regions.
yeah but it needn’t be.
Just a few days ago I saw this on twitter and this kind of mentality I’ve seen come up again and again whenever a crunch story comes up. You had dumbasses like MBG when TLOU2 crunch story broke out literally go “well if you wanna work at Naughty Dog, that’s what it takes.” tryna make it about console wars at the same time and actual developers told him to fuck right off. It reinforces this very problem with treating the creative industry as something that has to be necessarily this badly managed and how greater productivity comes from crunch, actually. There is a lot of novelty and romanticism attached to the “starving troubled artist” archetype. It needn’t be that way.
Not to be blunt, and correct me if I’m mistaken, but isn’t QA the most replaceable positions? What’s their leverage?
Can’t replace 'm all at once.
Pending acquisition
An extra answer: unions work best for employees in more easily replaceable jobs. Someone with a unique talent can leverage that, while a less unique talent doesn’t have that option. When in a union, you have the leverage of the entire group. It’s exactly divisions like QA that need this the most. Not the well-known rockstar-like game designers.
Everyone in every industry should unionize. Congrats Raven Software
When I think of Japan and Workplace mistreatment, I immediately think of Konami.
All those damn horror stories.
That makes sense to me
As a European living in a civilized country:
It’s called the American dream. You’re just jealous.
Little do they know, MS outsources their QA.
Good news for the QA peeps at Raven. Hopefully “good guy” Phil still recognizes it after purchase.
Yeah seems like the largely celebratory, almost conclusive tone from a lot of the sites covering this seems a bit premature. It’s important that we don’t think there’s been more progress than there actually is at the moment so that we aren’t surprised when things don’t go as well as expected or take a turn down the line.
I do notice how there are some rather weird caveats in US law regarding this whole thing, I wonder if other places like Europe share those.
The USA: Always banging on about democracy and freedom but when it comes to freedom and democracy in the work place that is considered too far lol.
In a lot of European countries, unions are the norm and it is not actively persecuted like in the US.