Psychonauts 2 Review Thread

What is there to demand? They are lucky the game is even running in 60fps. DF could have locked the framerate down to 30 but they didn’t.

Yeah, unlocking the framerate for PS5 was a kind gesture they were not complied to do, most 8th gen games releasing now without proper 9th gen port have locked framerate. People don’t understand DF was an indie since half 2019, they don’t even have a PS5 devkit to make a proper port and I doubt Sony cares for this game whatsoever. Anyway I shouldn’t expect this type of knowledge from Twitter crowd, lol.

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And so it begins…

Played the opening mission and I’m already in love with this game

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I might go back and pick up all the collectibles now


Sadly I played most of Psychonauts 2 in offline mode which caused the game to not register most of the achievements I got :cry:

Good news for anyone who hasnt cleaned up the achievements. It was a pain in the ass to get all the figments without any sort of tracking.


I love Tim Shafer. :green_heart:

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Glad I waited to find all the collectibles! can’t wait to return to this masterpiece. :partying_face: