Possible bad HDMI cable on Xbox Series X?

I seem to be having a problem with my series X not allowing me to watch movies off of a disk. I keep getting this message

Also when I go from anything with dolby vision like Netflix or Disney+ to the home screen the screen is constantly flickering and then my TV (lg cx) tells me its a invalid format. Only way to fix it is unplugging the hdmi and plugging it back in. Anyone have any ideas what it could be? Maybe a bad hdmi cable?

Check your Xbox Series X settings. Make sure that the HDCP option is Enabled.

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Where is this option in the settings? I dont see it anywhere.

I’d suggest a process of elimination. I’d start with the following:

Make sure the HDMI port you are using on the TV is set to allow 4k HDR i.e its optimal/full and not limited (sorry I have Philips OLED not LG so not sure the setting name for the CX). Make sure its not set to PC. Disable VRR and 120hz on the xbox and just run with 24hz/50hz/60hz options ticked initially. Dont tick the allow 422 in xbox settings. Try a different HDMI cable, though the above settings will limit bandwith usage anyway. Disable all HDMI CEC stuff. Try a different HDMI port on the TV.

Sorry if that doesn’t help. But I had some handshake issues with my Philips OLED initially and got all resolved in a similar methodical way.

It doesn’t appear that there’s an actual HDCP option but there should be an option under video to allow 4K playback so that may be it. If not, then it’s something to do with the TV. The link has all the info in it that you should need.

I’m sorry that I can’t be more help. I remember having this issue on PS4 Pro and it was because I didn’t have the Allow HDCP option “checked” so I thought it was perhaps the same but apparently not. I’m sorry about that. Hopefully, you can solve the issue.