PlayStation ‘is working on a counterpunch to Xbox Game Pass’, claims God of War creator

Foxy is one of the worst PS fanboys I have seen.


So apparently could this be the “counter-punch”?

Or maybe a part of what is coming since Nick seemed to have hinted at also anime, and maybe music coming too, along with movies and TV Shows. It also seems they will pick PS Plus instead of PS Now, since it is where they want to make all the improvements.

It is also the one with the most subscribers, so the easiest one to continue building up.


It makes sense, PS Now is struggling and they would lose much more money trying to do something like Game Pass.




This was actually hilarious:


I know this one in particular is satire, but people care so much about ownership when it comes to bashing a successful business model like Game Pass, meanwhile everyone has Netflix and the blu-ray and DVD markets are on death’s door.

I know, it’s perfect haha. Illustrates the hypocrisy very well.


What’s weird is that no one is stopping you from purchasing the game either digitally or at retail if you find that you really like the game and wish to own it. In fact, Xbox give you a little discount to do so lol.

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I mean, fair play if this is a free add-on to PS Plus, it’s definitely a value-add if you already subscribe. But if this was intended to be the fabled “counterpunch” to Game Pass… L O L.

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TV Sports TV Sports. Good luck with that Sony.


He’s in complete denial about Game Pass. Hilarious that he owns an XBox Series X.

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This would be more of a stiff jab.