PlayStation 5 |OT| This SSD has no limits

Halo Infinite was a big innovation from Halo 5. Infinite just feels so good to play. The Last of Us 2 was a big jump graphically from The Last Of Us 1. So I know both Xbox and PlayStation are capable of making sequels that are worth getting excited about. People should play both of those games.

Forza Horizon 5 uses a familiar formula but god damn if those graphics aren’t jaw dropping and the gameplay absolute perfection. The game really needs some DLC map additions though for variety. I’m hoping DLC1 will surprise drop in 3 weeks. Gran Turismo is too far behind to even compare at this point. Their technology is a decade behind Xbox.

God of War is great. But I’m not going to pretend like the graphics in the new one don’t look completely dated at this point in the current generation as a “prestige” title. Nevertheless it’s day 1 preorder for me. I will be spending $70 + tax and will be excited when it releases even if the graphics come off not using the full power of the PS5 to me.

The Spider-Man map is old to me at this point. Miles just added snow. Great game and I loved it but at the same time I want better next time. I expect much more effort for the next game. But at the end of the day I’m excited about Spider-Man 2 and will of course be spending $70+ tax to buy it day 1.

I think Ghosts of Tsushima and Horizion Forbidden West are PlayStations obsession with copying Ubisoft. The thing is nobody does Ubisoft better than Ubisoft. That’s my option but it’s also the mainstream opinion. I understand PlayStation diehards might say otherwise but that doesn’t reflect the larger gaming fanbase. If PlayStation wants to compete with Ubisoft they need to learn to change the setting and protagonist every game. Simple as that.