Phil Spencer interview - Discusses Redfall disappointing, CMA, Hellblade II, quarterly releases, and more

I often feel like we’re living in the Biff Tannen timeline from Back to the Future 2. :smile:


Sure but you need to consider the time commitment, like why am I paying for Game Pass whilst playing games I bought which aren’t on Game Pass? That’s my point. Games can take weeks to complete.

Hence why I’ll sub for a few months during the year & then invariably move on to games I’ve bought because having Game Pass & buying games just makes no sense to me.

And I’m going to take a wild guess that people with low attachment rate (much lower than mine, i.e. I think the average might be ten games per gen or something) will find even less value in Game Pass.

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No one is forcing you to use Gamepass, so your takes on this seem ridiculous. :smile:


How many CDs and DVDs were people buying compared to how they now consume music and movies?

I know it’s not a perfect analog since games typically are a longer time commitment, but habits can change as a result of having choice available. Personally, having Game Pass has put me on to tons of games and genres that I would not have bought.

Xbox doesn’t win or gain anything when the sales pitch is “no one is forcing you to use Game Pass lololol etc.”.

Especially considering that’s the root of the problem I’ve been trying to talk about, i.e. Xbox as a brand overemphasizing the Game Pass service above its consoles. What I’m saying is consoles have a bigger market than Game Pass does, all Xbox needs to do is tap into that again. It’s right there. Buying PS5’s & attempting to buy Series X’s (although they’re way too hard to get, even in 2023).

Like I said in an earlier post, it’s reductive to paint the value of Xbox as a monthly subscription service for a couple of hundred games. Xbox is way, way more than that.

I too have enjoyed some stuff on GP, specifically when I was unsure whether a game justified a purchase. I loved my time with Guardians of the Galaxy (I got 100% completion in that game, which is rare for me). But then I found Atomic Heart unfinished & not worth a playthrough yet, I didn’t like Wo Long (or more precisely it was too hard for me) & the only other stuff I was interested in was playing the Halo games again. But since I wanted RE4, I unsubbed.

Nothing against Phil but Lulu Cheng would have answered this instead of having Jez Corden do it for you lol


They aren’t doing this though??? C’mon Phil has said multiple times that Gamepass is just one part of their ecosystem not the whole thing.


“Game Pass as an overall part of our content and services revenue is probably 15 percent,” says Spencer. “I don’t think it gets bigger than that. I think the overall revenue grows so 15 percent of a bigger number, but we don’t have this future where I think 50–70 percent of our revenue comes from subscriptions.”


Tbh, I don’t believe this haha. I don’t normally blame the ABK stuff, but I 100% think this is downplaying things.

Thp I suppose there’s a big window between 15% and 50-70%


Maybe but if their ultimate goal is to be a true mobile competitor vs Apple and Google. Everything else within Xbox will be dwarfed by the revenue from mobile haha.

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I’m so confused, how does one individual know more about the gaming market more than Microsoft :sob:. Time to stop saying your opinion as fact, you’re gonna get chewed out


I don’t wanna sound rude but, how freaking dumb can people be?


Truly amazing takes this past week over the release of one bad game. Its always worse when Xbox does it, and Xbox is, of course, 100% doomed.


Xbox can’t do anything right is always the narrative.

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Decided to watch it for myself, finally took the time for it. It’s certainly yet another example of how you need to watch the source itself first and not believe second hand info. I don’t mean XboxEra with that, but Twitter and YouTube videos. This interview was made out to be *pathetic" as per Griffin Gaming, a channel I follow, disappointing that this is his take, very simple minded too.

My buddy fell for that trap, because he texted me about how he’s very worried Xbox might just decide to step out of the ring. That he had read parts of the interview and that Phil had said people won’t buy a Xbox for Starfield. When in reality the man had simply said peplle won’t sell their PS5 if Starfield scores 11/10. This just shows how in bad faith some websites truly act, wow.

As for the interview, I thought it was interesting how the man with the glasses said Hollywood mostly makes generic stuff because they don’t dare taking risks. I never really realized that. Not to dunk on Sony games, but they DO play things safe.

I like how Phil says things are finally lining up, as in a game every quarter. It sounds like this is starting to become reality. Parris mentions the games announced in 2020. Phil says there will be updates in June on some of them. Hellblade 2 is obvious at this point, Avowed very likely too, he later mentions he’s seen a great build of it. InXile probably not but I’d love to be surprised.

As for the whole 30/60fps thing for Starfield, Phil simply says yeah when asked if we get clarity on that in the summer. Twitter and such made it seem like Phil pretty much said himself don’t expect 60fps, he not even remotely says this. I am not getting my hopes up for 60fps, but the possibility of a performance mode is not dead yet.

A very good interview and once again it’s a good lesson for me to just not believe something second hand, but instead go directly to the source.


Dring with a good take???


We’re about to hit a period where a AAA game is being released very 3-4 months and the sheer number will outnumber Sony. releases. A lot of people will notice this and look at buying XSX/S. I wouldn’t worry about anything right now.


The discussion boils down to whether you think Xbox can directly compete with Sony as a console in the console market and gain sufficient market share to outweigh the growing services and cloud and PC market share and revenue it is building.

The answer seems to be it cannot. But some people don’t seem to accept this. But even during the 360 generation when they came a close second the 360 wasn’t generating enough revenue that it would guarantee Xbox’s survival. Indeed much of the pressure to push Kinect was to find new ways of building revenue out of the console space and tie back into MS core business.

I’m not sure people see that in 2010 or thereabouts Sonys wider business was contracting so PS became the centre of their business. It was the most successful thing they did. At the same time MS business was expanding with the advent of cloud and services and Xbox was becoming less and less significant to them. And the initial reason for Xbox - to beat Sony to the living room - had evaporated completely.


Feels like I’m witnessing face and heel turn as of late. Jez can’t even go troll mode anymore because of what’s happening. That’s how bad we’re in.


Wait to people hear that Nintendo and Gamefreak got away with 2 generations worth of mediocre Pokémon games with less features and Pokémon than the older games.

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