How about Project Re Fantasy? Does anyone think that will also launch PS exclusive?
And I’ll keep repeating it, Sega is the one making Atlus go multiplat, not Atlus themselves. Soul Hackers 2 Xbox and PC was ported by Artdink, Persona Remasters are being handled by Sega.
The reasoning I’m seeing for P6 being a PS only game is “It’s Atlus” which is an argument shot down by Sega helping with multiplat by outsourcing or doing it themselves, or “Sony will moneyhat it” which they’ve never done with any Atlus game before, and Sega would be going back on their “we’re multiplat from now on” word. I’m not even sure if Sega would accept a Sony moneyhat.
The only exclusive Atlus game I can see coming is Etrian Odyssey Next which I think will be a Switch exclusive, due to being so niche, they may think Switch is the only well off platform for it.