OPINION | Is Halo Studios working on a full Remake of Halo: Combat Evolved?


That screenshot comparing the cliffs to Halo 1 is such a close match it’s enough to convince me they’re doing a remake.

I agree it’d be a great way to bring new players into the series - there’s too much lore to catch up on at the moment.

After that, they can tell other stories in the Halo universe as well as some of those from Reach, 2 and 3 - having given players the remake as the intro into the universe…


From what Tom Warren said, i think it’s pretty likely, and honestly it would be dumb not to do it, next Halo is going to take a bit of time, meanwhile they can release a remake of this game which would come faster and help with some big profits, it’d sell well.

Combat Evolved was a crazy experience, specially in coop, a game ahead of it’s time in many aspects, i’d say it was to console shooters, what Oblivion was to console open world games, a huge leap.

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Next Xbox launches with Halo CE remake? I wouldn’t be against it, even though I badly want a brand new one way more. But let’s say next Xbox is 2026, a brand new one clearly won’t be ready then.

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My hope is that it’s a reboot built around keeping what worked, rebuilding parts that didn’t work and expanding in ways that could surprise people. The lore is a part that could use a retelling, so a remake of CE could help.

The new team obviously understands core Halo gameplay and to make things fun first. Based on the snippets in video, they are also pushing boundaries in art and visuals.

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Hopefully, the remake allows you to sprint/run.

I sure as hell hope not.

The way is forward, not back.

I played CE. I also played CE Anniversay. I played it again in MCC. I do not need to play it another time.

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