Narrative Adventure 'inKONBINI: One Store. Many Stories' Hits PC/Mac and Consoles Q1 2025

Originally published at: Narrative Adventure 'inKONBINI: One Store. Many Stories' Hits PC/Mac and Consoles Q1 2025 - XboxEra

Developer Nagai Industries today announced that their debut title ‘inKONBINI: One Store. Many Stories’ is slated to hit PC, Mac, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series consoles, and the Nintendo Switch in Q1 of 2025.

Featured in the ID@Xbox GDC 2024 indies showcase, inKONBINI follows the story of Makoto Hayakawa, a college student who takes a break from her studies to help her aunt behind the counter. As part of a living, breathing community in this narrative slash simulation adventure game, players will make choices that impact the world around them as they do their daily work at the convenience store.

Set during the 90s, the developer wants players to experience a slow-paced relaxing game that isn’t about challenging the player but to savour a narrative that is deeply connected to the traditional Japanese concept “ichi-go ichi-e” (one time, one meeting) and through well-developed characters. No matter the choices you make, the story you experience will be a relatable one.

Per the fact sheet:

  • It’s the summer of 1993. Makoto Hayakawais a college student who takes a break from her studies to help her aunt behind the counter. Over the course of one week at the store, Makoto will meet a diverse cast of characters, help them navigate their lives, and learn to find joy in the ordinary routine.
  • Narratively, inKONBINI is a tapestry of individual tales all put together to create a sense of a living community that will change and evolve according to choices you make as Makoto.
  • Stocking up goods and ordering deliveries are going to be a part of Makoto’s daily work, but the heart and soul of the game is dialogue interaction with the store’s regulars.
  • Playing through the game, you will get to know the human side of your customers, hear stories they have to tell, learn their secrets, and find a way to help them deal with problems they face in their lives.
  • In each dialogue the player is presented with conversational options to choose from, and the way Makoto acts in any given dialogue situation would reflect in the decisions made by the customers later on in the game.
  • Every customer is a riddle. Every single conversation may contain a hint to what this character is looking for. There are many optional dialogues in the game that will allow you to know the characters better.
  • The game is structured as a six-episode experience designed to immerse players in the warm and welcoming early 1990s world.
  • Part of the reason to set the game in the 90s was to capture nostalgia that many at Nagai Industries have for this time period. It encapsulates the spectrum of feelings they share, their childhood memories as well as snippets from favorite video games, movies and anime.
  • The end goal for the team is to create a slow-paced, relaxing game devoid of severe challenge and tailored to the taste of the audience who finds pleasure in meaningful stories and welldeveloped characters.
  • The essence of the game is reflected in the traditional Japanese concept ichi-go ichi-e, which translates as one time, one meeting. Every single moment in life is completely unique and should be cherished as one.
  • No matter what kind of play style you choose, by the time you complete the game, you’ll have experienced a relatable story that highlights the importance of life’s every single moment and elusive beauty that can be found in simple things.
  • The game is approximately one year from release, expected to launch in the first quarter of 2025.

Have a gander at the announcement trailer and screenshots below for more details on inKONBINI.


I love chilled games like this, doing a simple job while learning the narrative - I adored Lake and Firewatch and imagine I’ll love this too.

Looking forward to it